Chapter 39

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Being Sunday, Zayn and I decided not to hang out. We agreed that Sundays are our homework days. I'm glad cause I didn't put any effort into my appearance today.

It took me two hours to finally finish all of my homework. I decided to call Alexie.

"Hey Kat! What's up." she answered the call after two rings.

"Hi! I just wanted to call about what happened last night." I told her.

"Last night? Oh my god yes your date! How was it?" She asked so interested in this topic.

"Uhh come over yeah? We need to hang out for a bit."I asked hoping he will agree because I really want to see her I miss her.

"On my way." and she hung up.

After 10 minutes, I heard someone's footsteps it must be Alexie, she opens my bedroom door and jumps on the bed next to me.

"Spill." she urges, lying on her stomach putting her face between her hands.

"Wait how did you even get in?" I laugh, stupid question because my mum was here she must've opened the door for her.

"Your mum let me in duhh , now come on." She said sarcastically.

I explain to Alexie about the beach outing and about Hope being his ex. She looked surprised but let me continue.

It soon got to the part where I invited Zayn inside.

"Then what?" She was really into this.

"I invited him into my room and we sort of ... Um kissed..hard." I laughed blushing red like a tomatoe.

"Oh my god then what." Her mouth hanged open in surprise. Should I tell her what really happened after?

"We where kissing so hard well.. We went on the bed and I started taking his shirt off.. He asked me what I was doing and I told him to shush then yeah.. But don't worry we didn't go that far." I blurred it out.

"Wow Katy." she was shocked and she started giggling.

"And as soon as he left, my mum came home." I told her.

"Close one." we both laugh for a while.

"So do you love him?" She asked wondering now.

I never thought about that.

"I don't know... I like him though.. A lot." What do I mean I don't now?! Of course I loved him! But I can't tell Alex I just can't. I smile thinking about how amazing yesterday was.


I hate Mondays. Has it really been only one week since I started school again. The best week of my life in months I think while driving into the school parking lot.

Biology was first. I like biology. I saw Zayn sitting already.

"Hey." He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey." I reply with a grin.

"Did you bring the good copy?" I asked while settling down, I hope he didn't forget.

"Yes." he takes it out from his bag an takes it to the teacher. He was right, we were going to be the first ones to hand it in.

The day past pretty fast. It was my fourth class. Sport. Great. I get to see Hope.

The whole time she gave me sneers and evils. I ignore her. What other option would I have.

Lunch finally came. Alexie is talking to me about something. I admit it. I'm not listening. I'm staring at Zayn. He's sitting with his group of four friends. Three brunettes, one blond. Zayn is laughing at something. His smile is perfect. He catches me looking He catches me looking at him and he winks at me, I blush.

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