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Elizabeth's P.O.V

"How was school today?" I asked my younger sister Penelope as we sat in the kitchen of our small apartment where I was making dinner.

My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer just a year ago, when we found out it was too late. She died seven months ago, It was a rough time for my family.

My sister had just started high school and I was in my second year of college. My dad had to sell the house we lived in so he could pay off the bills and debts mostly for my mom's treatment.

Two months after mom's death my dad lost his job that was helping a lot with the bills and my college fee. After that I decided to quit college and start working two jobs so I could help with the bills and my sister's school.

Now at the age of twenty-two I had to be working two jobs just so my sister and father could eat and at least feel comfortable. They were the only family I had left and I would do anything to make them happy.

"Lizzy! Lizzy!" I was snapped back out of my thoughts at the sound of my sister calling my name, "you zoned out again." she complained but all I did was smile at her.

"I'm sorry I was thinking about work." I lied. My sister and father were affected badly by my mother's death they cried for weeks. I had to be consoling them as well as myself.

Penny and I talked a while longer before I heard the door nob turn and a few seconds later my dad walked into the kitchen with his shoulder dropped and his face hanging.

Seeing his mood I instantly began to get worried.

"Good evening Dad" I said. He looked up at me with sad eyes and looked down again before mumbling a strained good evening. My sister got the same response.

I hurriedly gave Penny her dinner and send her off to bed so I could talk to dad about what is making him look so down. He was always a strong man and tried to conceal everything as best he could so we wouldn't get worried. But today I could see it all.

As soon as I heard the bedroom door close confirming Penny was in her room. I walked over to where dad was sitting on the worn out sofa.

"Dad? Is everything ok?" I asked softly, but when I didn't get a reply I got slightly worried. "Dad?" I asked again this time he slowly looked up at me.

"You know I love you and penny right?" He asked which made me even more worried. "I would do anything for you girls." He said with sincerity in his voice.

"Dad what's wrong?" I asked starting to fidget out of anxiety. The only time I saw dad like this was the night mom died and, now.

"Do you remember the first year in college when I had to pay your tuition?" he asked. "Yes." I answered. I was getting more nervous by the minute.

He went on to telling me about everything that happened from two years back. From the money he had 'loaned' - as he puts it- to the debts that he was now in.

He told me about his meeting today with the Owner of the Greyson's Enterprises. But the part that really spiked my attention was the two options my father said he had.

"No! There must be some other option, please dad I can't go and live with him. Dad  please." I begged hoping he had another option but, his lack of answer confirmed he didn't.

I knew my father didn't have the money and normally I would do anything to help him but, I just could not go and live with a stranger and, who will work to take care of him and Penny? And most importantly. What if Mr. Greyson tries to hurt me?

"Sweetheart I am so sorry for putting you in such a situation. I thought-"

"Why didn't you tell me of all this, Dad?" I cut him off.

If he had told me earlier maybe I could've helped him repay the money. I could've worked extra time or even get another job. Now we had less than twenty-four hours to come up with a solution. And I don't want the solution being sending me off to live with Mr. Greyson.

"I am so sorry sweetheart, I-I thought I had it under control." He said in a sad and regretful tone.

I sat for minute and thought about everything. I could be taken away from my family in less than twenty-four hours if my dad can't repay the money he owed. I knew the decision but I still decided to ask him anyway. "Sooo what have you decided?" There was a long moment of silence, before he spoke again.

"I don't know." he said. "If only I could get at least another week. Only a miracle could get me that money by tomorrow afternoon but, I just can't hand you over to him." By now a few drops of tears had fallen down his cheeks.

I didn't feel any anger towards my dad, after all he took the money so I could go to college and try to become successful in life. My dad would do anything to make me happy and that's why I love him. I just wish he had told me sooner.

"Lizzy don't worry about it anymore just go and get some sleep and I'll take care of everything."

I didn't bother arguing with dad seeming as I was drained, mentally. I just kissed him on the cheek and walked to the room I shared with penny.

However as I got ready for bed and tried to sleep the thoughts of everything that had happened over the past year seem to flood down on me. I wanted to curl into a ball and cry but I couldn't, I told myself not to cry anymore two weeks after moms death. I had to be strong for myself and my family.

I tossed and turned in the bed all night but I just couldn't sleep. I know what I would be faced with the following day and that made me restless.


A/N: Hello readers I hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Xoxo shayna😘

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