A New Adventure

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Again, make sure you've read the first book. And if you don't want to and are just like "Hey what the heck? How many spoilers can there be?" Be my guest.


After hours and hours of flying over the sea, one plane finally reached Alola. It landed on Melemele Island and the passengers left coming into the new place of wonder and excitement. One in particular was very excited.

She walked out into the open, breathing the salty sea air. She smiled, a new adventures was beginning. "YEAH!" she cried

"Great," said her foster brother "Now the whole world knows you're here,"

"I can't help it, Kanata," said Yume "I'm just so full of excitement I can't contain it all in my body and just have to let it out in one loud YEAH!"

"She's always like this," said Mrs. Nijino "Always had and always will be,"

"I know," Kanata replied

"There should be someone to take you two to this training school of yours," said Mr. Nijino

"Don't they usually hold up signs or something?" Yume asked

"Well we should get our bags first before looking for any signs," said Mrs. Nijino "Let's go, come on,"

After getting their bags, the Nijinos' soon found someone holding up a sign with their names on it.

"Hello, are you Yume Nijino and Kanata Kira?" a man asked

"I believe so," said Kanata

"Great! Then I'm here to take you to the Kanzaki Pokemon Training School,"

"Great!" said Yume "Wait, what about Mom and Dad?"

"They come too," said the man

"Great, we're going to school again," Mr. Nijino mumbled

Not too long after that, the four of them were in a kart pulled by a Tauros. "Wow!" Yume gasped.

"It's a Tauros, we've seen them before," said Kanata

"Not that, look!" Yume pointed next to them where a beautiful view of the town and ocean was.

"Oh it's beautiful!" cried Mrs. Nijino

"If the school is anything like this view I'll be satisfied," Kanata added

"Me too," Yume took a breath then took a notepad and pen out of her bag and started to write.

"What are you writing?" Mr. Nijino asked

"I want to make sure I remember everything! That way I can describe it to Subaru when we talk later,"

"He really was a great friend," said Mrs. Nijino

"The best,"


"Here we are," said the driver once they arrived at the school.

"Wow!" Yume gasped "Wow, wow, wow!"

The school was a wonderful building! It was so big with so many things to see. Was that a pool? And a slide!

"All this for six kids?" Kanata said

"It may seem like a lot now," said a voice "But trust me, you'll feel quite crowded,"

"Mizuki," said Yume "Hello! It's nice to see you again,"

"Same to you," Mizuki replied, then turned to Mr. and Mrs. Nijino "Are you their parents?"

"Yes," They answered

Pokemon x Aikatsu Stars 2 - Alolan AdventuresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz