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"Captured? No!" Raichi exclaimed "That ... that's impossible, how?"

"We haven't been given all the details, Raichi," said Mizuki "But agents do get captured, it's not impossible,"

"But what do we do?" Yume asked "We can't just stay here and ... and wait around!"

"Yeah, let's go save them!" Alice said

"Ralts! "

"Come n guys! Haruka is our friend, she would never leave us hanging so we have to return the favor, who's with me?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cried

"Wait, Haruka's been captured?" Koharu asked "By who?"

"Well -" Sena started, but was interrupted as Seira came over.

"So I found Noibat but the disc is missing," she said "If anyone finds a pink DVD case with my name on it please give it to me," Then Seira saw everyone's solem faces "Whoa, who died?"


"This is risky, babies," said Anna after our heroes explained their rescue mission "You haven't gone on any remote missions. And Nijino, Yuki,"

"Yes?" Yume and Subaru said in unison

"Why aren't you fused?"

"Um ..." said Subaru "You see, we were helping one of our friends and -"

"Did unfuse on purpose?" Anna asked

"Um, no," Yume shook her head "Sorry,"

Anna sighed "Babies, if you want to go on this rescue mission then you need to have your fusion under control,"

"We did have it under control!" Subaru tried to assure her

"They did," said Alice "At least, it looked like that,"

"We were!" Subaru nodded "I really felt like I was a full 50% of Sayu,"

"Nijino," Anna turned to Yume "How did you feel?"

"Uh, the same, I guess," Yume shrugged "I don't know,"

"But we can handle it!" said Raichi "You've been training us for stuff like this, right? We're in tip-top shape! We can handle it! Just give us the orders and we'll do it! We'll have Haruka and ... and the other guy over here in no-time!"

"Yeah, please let us do it, Anna!" Sena begged

"We can do it, just believe in us!" said Alice

"Ralts! "

Anna looked around, her stern/concerned expression never changing. "Alright, babies," she said at last "I'll let you do your mission,"

Everyone beamed. "Yes!" Asahi exclaimed "Thank you!"

"Let's go guys," said Raichi "We have some agents to save!"


"But Nijino, Yuki," said Anna


"No fusion. With the state you're in now, it's not safe,"

"But we were just starting to know Sayu," said Yume "We're so close -"

"But not close enough, not like this," said Anna "Don't take unnecessary chances, okay babies?"

Yume and Subaru looked at each other, frowning "Okay," they said


Just to be clear, Koharu, Seira, Karen, and Mirai aren't here 

Pokemon x Aikatsu Stars 2 - Alolan AdventuresМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя