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News Lady: Recently, a group of water Pokemon have attacked some tourist on Poni Island. The matter has been solved, but many are wondering: "what these normally friendly creatures are doing attacking innocent humans and Pokemon?"


"NO!" Asahi cried "No, no, no! I refuse to believe Subaru is the spy!"

"You saw how he was acting," said Alice "And he fired at Yume! Do you think he would do that if he wasn't the spy?!"

Yume put her hand to her head. It still really hurt.

"No ..." Asahi shook his head "He's my best friend ... he wouldn't do something like that,"

"Well he did," said Sena "Asahi, I think you should know the truth before you hurt yourself,"

"But it's not the truth! You guys are lying!"

"Asahi," said Koharu "You know ... it's not impossible -"

"It's impossible!" Asahi yelled "I can't believe you all would think that Subaru would do such a thing -"


Suddenly, Yume got up and ran away.

"Is she okay?" Asahi asked

"I think you forgot to consider someone else, Asahi," said Kanata "I'll go talk to her,"


Yume, on the tippy-top of the school's bell tower, started throwing rocks, sticks, anything that got stuck up there. She was angry, so, so angry.

"Hey," said a voice from behind her. Yume turned around and saw Kanata, she scowled.

"Leave me alone," she mumbled

"I just wanted to know if you're okay," said Kanata "You are my sister and all,"

"Well I'm FINE! Perfectly FINE!" Yume grabbed a rock and tossed it as hard as she could. She took several deep breaths before adding "I hate him,"

"Asahi?" Kanata asked

"No! Well, yeah. But I also hate Subaru, and Sena, and Moroboshi, and Koharu, and Alice and EVERYONE! I hate all of you!"

"First of all, ouch. Second, you can't really hate everyone,"

"I can and I'm doing it right now," Yume said firmly "But I really, really, really hate Subaru!"

"Really?" Kanata asked


There was a long pause, Yume couldn't stand to look at Kanata, but Kanata was still waiting right behind her for her to go on.

"Was it all fake?" Yume asked


"Everything that we did together, you, me, and Subaru. Our friendship, our adventures, was every single moment a lie?" Yume's anger turned to sadness "Did he ever really care?"

Kanata put his hand on Yume's shoulder "Yume, Subaru being a spy is something that seems past denial," he said "But, the bond we had was real. And I know cause he loves you. You can't fake that whole Battle Bond thing! What you had was real! What you have is real!"

"I'm not so sure about that," Yume put her hand on her head

"Eh. How's your head?" Kanata asked

"It hurts ... a lot,"

Kanata gave her a sympathetic look "Why don't we go down to Seira's Office and get you an ice pack and we can talk more about this later, kay sis?"

Pokemon x Aikatsu Stars 2 - Alolan AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now