A Too Vivid Future

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(Set your calendars for ... THE FUTURE!!)

When Tori and Tanoshi found out they were getting a new baby sister they were over joyed ... at first. That was before Yume got cancer, and of course, that was before she had stayed in the hospital with baby Aine for two weeks.

Subaru, Tori, and Tanoshi visited her at every possible time, they said hello and even received visits from Kanata, Ako, and Luna at on point. All they wanted was for both of them to come home.

"You know," said Tanoshi "You can leave the baby here when you come back,"

"No, she's coming with me," said Yume

"Aw man," he scoffed

"You'll be coming back soon, right Mommy?" Tori asked

"Maybe," Then Yume's heart seemed to stop for a minute.

"Gifts!" cried Ako "Why don't you three go down to the gift shop and buy something for yourselves? Here," Ako handed Luna twenty pounds.

"Wow!" she exclaimed

"It's not enough," said Tanoshi

"Tanoshi!" said Subaru

"It's fine!" Ako assured him then handed her daughter another twenty more pounds.

"WOW!" Luna gasped before fixing her glasses "Thanks Mom!"

"Come on let's go!" said Tori as she grabbed her friend's hand.

The three children ran off (being told not to run in the halls again as they did so) and the four of them looked at each other.

"So ... Yume, how do you feel?" Kanata asked

"Well, a step better then awful," Yume replied

"Right," said Subaru "I ... uh ... I'm going to go stop the kids from getting into anymore trouble,"

"Yeah I'll come with you," said Kanata

When the guys left Yume turned to Ako, her face darkened. "Ako," she said "I can be honest with you, right?"

"Of course," Ako replied

"Then ... Then can you give this letter to Subaru?" Yume asked "In five years or so, give him time," Yume help out a pink letter to Ako.


"Do you think this is pretty?" Luna asked Tanoshi as she showed him a necklace.

"I guess," he said with a shrug "But I really wanted to get this watch, it looks like the one my dad has. Right Tori? Tori?" Tanoshi looked at his sister. "Tori!"

"Ah! What was that for?" Tori snapped

"I was trying to get your attention," said Tanoshi "You didn't reply the first two times,"

"Oh, sorry," Tori sighed "I'm just worried,"

"Do you think your Mom is dying?" Luna asked

"A little,"

"Tori, Tori, my silly little twin sister," said Tanoshi "Mom can pull thru anything! This time, next week, she'll be walking around like nothing has happened,"

"You said that last week," Tori said teary eyed.  "I'm really scarred! And I think Daddy's scarred too!"

"My parents too," Luna added "But ... she'll fight it right?"

"Of course she will!" said Tanoshi

"There you three are!" said Subaru as he and Kanata walked over to them.

"Were you getting that necklace?" Kanata asked his daughter

"Maybe ..." she replied

"I'm getting this watch!" said Tanoshi

"Hey it looks like mine," Subaru commented

"Ha! See Guys? I told you!"

Tori smiled, but she was stilled worried. But this time it was about something else, or maybe the same thing, it depended. But it looked like her dad had been crying?


"Time? What are you talking about?"

"Ako, I don't think I'll be able to make it," Yume admitted "Just promise you'll give it to him -"

"No! Yume, you can't give up hope!" said Ako "You need to keep going -"

"I'm trying," said Yume "But the other day ... I was with Subaru, we looked at each other and we both knew ... there was no hope left,"

"No. No. Yume, please stop talking like this!" Ako begged "You can't give up -" Once again Yume cut Ako off. She put the letter in her hands as her whole body seemed to shake.

"Promise," Yume pleaded.

"I -"

"Whoo!!" cried Tanoshi as a nurse pushed him in on a wheelchair.

"Oh you!" said Ako as she quickly put the letter in her jacket "Do you want to make Aine cry?"

"But she's sleeping,"

"I think that's the point," said Luna

"Can I hold her again, Mommy?" Tori asked



Three days later the Yuki Family received the news: the doctors couldn't do any more to help with Yume's cancer. That horrid day was filled with tears and crying and misery.

Yume died the day after with sleeping Aine in her arms.

Okay so I kind of stole this but I loved it so much and I had to! FORGIVE ME!!!!

To Be Continued ...

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