.ii treat you better

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. i i
t r e a t y o u b e t t e r

i wondered if you had someone?

someone — someone who actually had the privilege of hearing you voice out your silent thoughts; someone who shared your music; someone there to sit beside you whenever you felt alone.

today as i stepped into the bus, i saw you seated on your usual seat again. as i headed to the seat behind you, i purposely made my presence known — stomping my feet a little bit louder. the elder in the right side glared at me, but i didn't mind. to my minor disappointment, you didn't turn your head, because as i had sensed, you were probably lost in your map of thoughts again. you smelled of musk and mint, and something familiar. was it creepy that i could notice all these details after only for seeing you twice?

i won't lie to you

i know he's just not right for you

i wondered how it felt to have your arms wrapped around me. i'd trade anything to feel it, to confirm if i was right — that it would be the most comfortable feeling in the world.

someday, i thought, i'm gonna sit beside you. that is, when i had the guts.

this time, i'll be just right behind youwaiting for you to turn your head to me and smile.

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