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The round blazing sun shines strongly as it descends from the sky, painting the small town red and orange with a tinge of yellow as it grew darker and darker with a few clouds blocking the sun's heat

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The round blazing sun shines strongly as it descends from the sky, painting the small town red and orange with a tinge of yellow as it grew darker and darker with a few clouds blocking the sun's heat.

It was like any other afternoon for the town and the people who lived there. Lights from the lamps and stores turn on one by one signaling the residents that the day is ending and the night is arriving. People coming and going from the stores downtown finishing shopping.

A black vehicle drove down the road to its destination. The scenery past by quickly as red eyes gaze out of the window. In the car, a young man watches with eyes hooded, distant at the scene in front of him. His elbow resting against the door armrest and chin resting on his right hand, let's out a sigh.

He blinks seeing a familiar building that is surrounded by trees and can be seen easily amongst the other building.

"Cross Academy," he uttered the name, "When was the last time I set foot in there."

He closes his eyes and smiles with fondness. "I guess it's has been a good three years since I last visited. If I wasn't so busy, I definitely would have gone and visited more often."

Opening his eyes again, he watches as the building grew further behind him as the car head to its destination. No longer seeing the academy, he turns his gaze away to the phone that is beside him.

It vibrates softly with the lights flashing notifying him. Grabbing his phone, he unlocks it and sees the message.

Hey Luminous, sorry that I didn't respond back. Prefect duties. These girls are never calm or follow rules. *sigh* How's that meeting you said you were going to? Or did you finish discussing whatever? - A

The corner of Luminous lips curls upward seeing her text.

The notorious fangirls, huh. Always gotta be a handful every day for you three. And no, I haven't had the meeting yet. - Luminous

After sending the text, he felt the car jerk to a stop and look up to see they arrive at the meeting that is taking place.

Luminous exits the car, looking upon it. The building has plants and vines growing through the cracks making it appear abandoned, it's been kept clean for those to use it for meetings from the public eye.

The phone vibrates in his hand as he lifted his arm up to see the text.

Okay. I'll stop texting you just in case you arrive there. Good luck with the meeting! - A

He replies back.

I will. - Luminous

After sending his last text for the day, he pockets his phone and heads toward the building as his driver drove away. Climbing up the steps, he reaches the building's doors, opening it, and enters. Upon entering, Luminous notice two male figures, one with long blonde wavy hair and facial hair, and one with messy wavy mahogany hair color, waiting at the entrance hall.

They were talking amongst themselves and took notice of him. One wave at him beckoning him over. Luminous did so and walk to their direction.

He smiles and greets them. "Hello, Uncle Logan. Good to see you, Vlad."

"And you're late," Vlad criticized, arms fold across his chest, "We had to hold the meeting just to wait for you."

Luminous smiles apologetically.

Logan breaks the tension. "Now now. It's only for a few minutes. It's not like it was an hour, Vlad. Cut him some slack. He is the current head."

Vlad narrows his eyes at the man beside him. "Well, I like to get this meeting over with. I don't like wasting time."

With that Vlad leaves the two and heads for the meeting room. Logan and Luminous watch as the older pureblood vampire figure disappear.

Logan looks at his nephew with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about him. He's stressed out right now."

Luminous nods. "It's fine. We should head in there."

His uncle agreed with him and lead the way. Arriving at the double doors, Logan grabs the handle, pushing open the door. In the room is a large circular table that is at the center of the room. Every head of the family is all settled down. Hearing the creak of the doors turns their heads to see two family members of the Takasuyo.

"Sorry, we're late. The last one is here, so we can start now." Logan said making his way to the seat beside Vlad. Luminous made his way to his seat that is at that is facing the door making it the center.

"Well," Luminous declared, sat down on his spot and look at everyone, "Shall we began?"

The meeting took nearly the whole evening. They discuss their next move to do with the schemes that are happening behind closed doors. Their vampire kind has been in hiding for many decades since they no longer wanted to do anything with the Vampires and Vampire Hunters. Deciding to remain neutral and avoid conflict, they hid leaving no trace. Now in recent years, they came out of hiding surprising the Council and the Hunter Association.

Of course, there is still more to discuss, but all agree to finish for the night and return home. As they exit the building, most of the older vampires didn't have their chauffeur drive them to the meeting location. Most teleport to the locations. One by one, they teleport back home. As for the others, they walk to where their chauffeurs have parked or stayed behind to talk more. Luminous and Logan being one of them.

"Mhm. Alright, I'll wait here till I see you." Luminous said goodbye and hung up his phone. He looks up to see his uncle walking towards him.

He greets his nephew. "Hey, ready to head home?"

Luminous sighs, nodding. "Yeah, but I don't think I'll be heading back. I'll be staying at the apartment that I go here in town."

"Oh? Is there a reason?" Logan asks, placing his hands on his hips, "You don't usually stay the night there unless there is something to do in town."

He gave his uncle a tired smile. "No. I just don't feel like heading home yet."

"Ah, alright," Logan pats his shoulders, "Get some rest. Looks like you need it. I'll see you when you get back!"

Is the last thing he said before heading home. Luminous move his gaze away getting the feeling that his ride is here, which it was.

It stops at the curb and Luminous opens the door, climbing in. After getting in, he closes the door and told the chauffeur to his apartment. The driver nods and starts to drive to that destination.

The town is quiet, lights turn off, and not a single human insight. All have gone to bed resting their mind and body for the next day.

Luminous gaze out of the window watching the empty streets. The car jerk to a stop, catching the young vampire attention. He exits the car and towards the oak door. Grabbing the keys from his pocket. Luminous inserts the key unlocks the door and heads in.

As he entered and closes it, the chauffeur left returning to the family home. Luminous didn't bother with turning on the lights as he is tired and wanted to sleep. He drops the key into a bowl that is set on a wooden dresser which is up against the wall.

The tired vampire opens the bedroom door to the left of him. He steps in, closing the door behind him. Removing his jacket and shoes, Luminous flops down onto his bed and sleep overtook him within seconds. 

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