Chapter 2

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The first thing I did when I met my soulmate was go tell my best friend.

What else are you supposed to do? I bet he did too!

I went as fast as my legs to take me to my best friend Anne's house. She doesn't live too far away from the coffee shop, but she seemed ages away. How come it was always like that when I had something to tell her?

"ANNE!" I burst into the door. There she sat on the couch, with her lips on her soulmate's.

"Addie! Hey!" She smiled at me, then got up.

"Hey, Addelyn. How's it going?" Mac, her soulmate, said casually to me. We were good friends, since I liked some of the stuff he liked.

"It's going AWESOME, if I do say so myself." I said happily. I couldn't contain my excitement.

"I've never seen you this happy, to be completely honest. What's up?" Anne said.

"You will never believe what happened."

"ADDIE! Just tell me what happened!"

"Okay, so I was at the coffee place by my house, you know where that is, right? Anyways, I was watching the people walk by, and my necklace started glowing! So I looked up to see who was causing it to glow, and it was this amazing looking guy. Very pleasing to the eye, to say so myself."

"Keep going, oh my god. Keep going."

"Yes, Addie, keep going!" I heard Mac's voice say.

"You know, we should call Mac 'Big Mac', like the burger at McDonalds. Just a thought."

"ADDIE WHAT HAPPENED!?" They both yelled in unison.

"Wow, you two really are perfect for each other. You even speak at the same time. Anyway, I found out that his name is Damian, he's super awkward and sweet, and he's 24!"

"An older man, Addie? Wow. I mean, Mac is older but he acts younger." Anne grinned at Mac, and Mac playfully hit her.

"I do not! I'll have you know, I've been to a bar 4 times and I've gone to a club 3 times!" Mac said with a slight laugh.

"Did you drink at the bar?" I added.

"Um..water. I drank water."

Anne and I burst out laughing, and didn't stop when our stomachs hurt and tears started coming out.

I don't think I've ever been this happy.

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