Chapter 3

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Damian and I met again the next day at the coffee shop. 

I mean, what else would you do if you met your soulmate? Would you just go along with your life, completely forgetting they were there? No, you would somehow find a way to interact with them, right?

So, we met, got two chocolate chip frappes, and sat down at my usual spot. 

What I learned about him:

-He enjoys people watching as much as I do.

-He has 2 sisters and 1 brother. 

-He's the oldest child.

-His eyes twinkle when he talks about things he likes. It's super adorable.

-He has a huge love for acoustic music.

And that's actually all we talked about. Only him. I mean, I didn't mind, but the conversation was more like Damian reading his biography while I listened. 

Maybe you will get some chance to talk tomorrow I told myself, hoping it would be true. Besides, what else about Damian could we talk about? He pretty much told me his life story. Unless he has a super interesting night life, I would get to be part of the conversation. 

Right? Right.

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