Chapter 4

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Remember how I said that I would totally get to talk a little bit about myself on my next date with Damian?

I was wrong.

This is not an unusual thing, for me to be wrong, but it's a little disappointing. I decided to do whatever a 22-year-old girl would do in this sort of situation. 

I called up my best friend. 

"Anne?" I said, trying to control my panicky frenzy. 

"What's up, Add?" She spoke into the phone.

"I-I'm in a situation." 

"Oh god. What catergory does said situation apply to?"


"I'll be over in 10 minutes with ice cream and movies." Click.

And there was that. I waited impatiently for 10 minutes, pacing back and forth by the door. Finally, 12 minutes later, the door burst open.

"HONEY, I'M HOME!" Anne's voice echoed through the house. Her arms were stuffed with several chick flicks and 3 pints of ice cream. 

"Let's get down to buisness, shall we?" I began, then explained my situation with Damian to her. Anne always has awesome advice, but sometimes I have a different opinion. It's like we have two totally different minds that work together to make each other perfect. It's pretty awesome.

"That's rough. But...what if the person is who is your so called soul mate...isn't your soul mate?" She said in amazement.

"So...the necklaces could be...wrong?

"That's always a possibility, dont you think?"

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