Chapter 5

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The necklaces could be wrong.

The necklaces could be wrong. 

Oh my gosh. 

My thoughts were ringing as I sat in the coffee shop in my usual spot, without Damian. If he actually walked in, I have no idea what I would do. Run out? Stay and chat? Have a sudden emergency?

Hey, Annie. If I text you the letter h, you need to have a sudden emergency and need my help. The emergenct doesn't need to be real. I quickly composed a text to Annie. 

She quickly replied with What kind of emergency, on a scale of 1-10? And *emergency.

Ugh. Grammar Nazi. A 5 or 6. Nothing too extreme that would get him too worried about me or you (highly unlikely, since he pretty much only worries about himself) , but something that you still need me for. 

You got it, dude.


I slipped my phone back into my pocket and took a quick sip of my coffee. The sweetness rushed through me, giving me a sudden burst of delight. The burst was super quick and quickly returned to a buzz of nervousness. 

The necklaces could be wrong.

I pulled my phone out again, and composed another text to my friend Adam. We were always good friends as kids, but we never talk much anymore. I'm not entirely sure why, but the partial reason could be we dated in tenth grade and things could be slightly awkward.

Hey Adam. It's me, Addelyn, in case my number wasn't saved in your phone. How are you doing? I've been wondering.

My phone buzzed minutes later. 

Hi Addie, I'm doing pretty well. How about you? I was actually considering texting you

I smiled at that. How was I? I wasn't even so sure myself.

I'm good. Quick question; do you still wear your necklace?

Yeah, is that nerdy? 

No, haha. I still wear mine too. But I just have a feeling that the necklaces could possibly be wrong.

What? Really? Call me.

I tapped on his contact to call him.

"So the necklaces could actually be wrong?" his voice rang out through the phone. His voice got deeper and sexier from the tenth grade.

"Yup. The guy my necklace paired me up with is super self centered. I mean, he's a good guy, but I can't stand him."

"Mine hasn't paired me up with anyone yet. Weird, huh?"

"A little, but mine just paired with him last week. So I guess I'm weird, too."

I could actually hear him smile. It was adorable.

"Maybe we should meet up sometime. Sound like a plan?"

I was the one smiling this time. "It's a date."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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