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I have been surrounded by death for a very long time now. Everyone who comes into contact with me has ended up dead, lost someone or gotten hurt. I've had enough. A dark, desperate part of me was ready to die. I was sure that it was the only way for me to have peace.

Now, as I sit in this rickety wooden chair, tied down like a wild animal, I think about how pissed off I am about my life. Why would fate lead me down this shitty path of pain and destruction? It's just not fair.

The Council is now demolished and Myles and I are sitting in front of the Council Guard waiting for our trial date. I was stupid to think that we could actually have a real life. No, I don't get that. The world has made it pretty clear where I stand. I'm not meant to be happy.

I look over at Myles. Two black circles surround his eyes and his lip was torn. Before the guards took us, he wouldn't leave without a fight. It took them a long time to put Myles down, but still they got him. I swallowed as he tried to lift his head up to look at me. He had to be in so much pain.

“Everything's going to be okay?” he replied calmly. I hated him for that. He was battered and bruised and trying to comfort me, the cause of every and all things of destruction. He attempted to smile at me but I couldn't look at him anymore.

I wondered how Heir was doing. He was going to wonder where we went. What if some of the guards stayed and waited for him? I was afraid that they would try to execute him again.

The rope pinched my skin, making my skin turn red. I wish they would hurry up already and sentence us or was this just another tactic of there's, to let us sit for hours uncomfortably waiting until they could reach a decision on what to do to us.

“Mason Faye, Myles Crawford,” the arresting guard called our names from the stand. “What do you have to say for yourselves? You have obliterated the Council. What would you have us do to you?”

“I th—”

The guard held his hand up, “that was a rhetorical question Ms. Faye. We will punish you as we see fit. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” I said with disdain.

“Did I miss anything?” I strained my neck to see Keegan saunter through the room. “I wanted to make sure I was here for this, “ he took at seat the podium next to five other guards.

“We've already decided when their trial date will be,” another man in the stands replied.

“Well, continue on,” Keegan leaned back in his chair wile propping up his feet.

The arresting guard cleared his throat and turned to Myles and me, “We've decided that your trial date will be five months from now. Until then you will both be locked up in our facilities. Please escort them out.”

“Wait,” Keegan ordered as he placed his feet back on the ground. “Since I will be the next head of the Council, I want to make sure that both of these two are punished until the trial date. It's only fair, they killed my father and three other Council members.”

“You know the rules Keegan. They will not be punished until sentencing. The rule will not change yet. You have not been appointed to head the Council. Your father made Myles the next head of the Council.”

“But I am the eldest and he's a murderer!” Keegan spat. “I am supposed to inherit the Council!”

“Henry did not state that in his will. Myles was to head the Council and you were to head the Council guard when you became twenty-five. He specifically stated that you were not to head the Council. The next person in line is Charles Bellows.”

“What?!” Keegan jumped out of his seat and slammed his hand against the podium. “He's not even family! He's not worthy!”

“In light of your opinion Keegan, I am a part of the Council,” a tall burly man with long blonde hair walked through the door. He walked through like he didn't have a care in the world. “You are just a spoil brat. Henry needs a man to take over, not a boy.”

I watched Charles carefully. This was the man that abused Keegan. It made me cringe thinking about what he's done to him, but I can't feel sorry for Keegan. He's cause a lot of people problems.

“Get down off the podium boy!” Charles ordered. “I will speak with you later. Wait in the hallway.”


“No buts, you are not authorized to stand up there. You have no saying in this trial or any other. Do not assume you have any power here. Now get off of the podium!” he shouted at Keegan. I almost missed Keegan's body shaking slightly as he step down from the podium and left the room. “Carry on Rickter,” Charles said to the arresting officer.

“As I was saying, their trial will be five months from now. Until then they are to be confined in our facilities. Anyone have objections to this?” he asked.

No one spoke a word. “Alright then,” he pounded the gavel and two guards untied Myles and I from the chairs.”

They led us out of the doors. I looked at Myles in shock. Why is this happening?

“I love you Mason,” Myles said, “whatever happens I want you to know that. Keep a low profile in there. Do not cause any problems. We'll see each other again when the trials start.

“Don't say that,” my voice sounded hoarse.

“Tell me Mason,” he said ans the guards pushed us through the door. They started taking us in separate directions. “Say it Mason!”

“I love you!” I shouted and then he was gone.

Fearless Mate (Auctioned Mate series book# 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang