The bathtub (part 1)

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Filming episodes of 'Run' was one of the things Jimin always looked forward to, and immensely enjoyed. His band mates and he utilised this time to bond with one another, to come closer. They were together all the time yet their hectic schedules could make them so feel apart. The silly but random, fun activities they did for this show gave them some quality time together and become stronger as a team.

It was nine in the evening, unusually late for them to be shooting. The past week had been extremely busy so this was the only slot they could manage to fit in. All the boys were dead exhausted but they had to get it done. They realised how eagerly ARMY would wait for an episode to come out each week, just to get a sneak peek of their idol lives.

The boys just wanted to be back at their dorm, tucked in their beds, but episode's activity seemed interesting enough to cheer them up a little. The agenda simple, it was to pull a harmless prank at the Grand hotel. All they had to do was surprise the guests by pretending to be housekeeping. The hotel had given them permission so the only thing left was for the members to prepare themselves.

Jimin wasn't exactly happy with the plan. He was having his doubts today. It was a weeknight so he felt wrong bothering the guests this late. Their presence could cause a commotion, which it almost always did. He showed a little bit of concern, but the directing team brushed him off. The other member seemed fine with the idea so couldn't press it any further. Besides preparations had already been done. Sending everyone home just because he was having second thoughts wasn't fair either. A lot of people were invested on this.

The first guest they would prank was the resident on floor nineteen, room five. This would't be the actual shot, just a trial. They had to run a test before they began filming. The boys felt excited, forgetting their exhaustion momentarily. But on learning who occupied the room, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

It was her, the Japanese actress who had taken the Korean film industry by storm. Queen, her fans referred to her as. And which guy wouldn't be a fan of her's? She had the talent, personality and the looks to go with it. The complete, perfect package. She had released multiple korean films in the past year and they had all sky rocketed the charts, earning her millions of dollars and worldwide fame. Her role of a serial killer in her latest movie had been aclaimed widely. She was known for her fiery attitude. In her movies, and in real life as well.

Would it be wise to bother someone like her, that to at such an hour? Jimin questioned himself.

"The hotel manager says she got back an hour ago from her shoot and doesn't have any visitors at the moment.. so yeah, we're good to go". the PD informed them.

Needless to say, the boys felt very reluctant. The thrill to meet Queen was long overpowered by the potential risk of annoying her.

As none of then stepped forward as the first participant, they decided on a lucky draw. And when the director finally pulled out the chit with the fated name, Jimin really felt anxious.

His brothers were all very nice and kind hearted and adorable, but at times, only at very few times, they lacked... tact. They could go overboard in certain situations. Jimin knew they were all childish at heart. He would always play along with their childish antics, but at the end of the day, he was the matured one. BTS had a reputation to maintain, he couldn't afford for the band to get involved in anything controversial.

Jimin wasn't sure what the managing team was thinking when they came up with such an obscene idea.

Letting out a sigh, he stepped forward. "I'll do it," he said even before the name on the chit could be read out. If anything he could try and manage not getting into trouble, not his brothers.

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