Fade Out

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(Featured Characters: Xephos, Honeydew, referenced other members. Ships: N/A)(TW: Violence.)

It'd been a nice night, Honeydew had managed a party and got pretty much all his friends to attend. They'd all been together at last.

As laughter can be heard throughout the house, Xephos made his way through, looking for Honeydew. At last he'd seem him talking to Lomadia, Nano and Lalna.

He looked at all of them nervously, before looking down at his dwarven friend.

"Hey can I talk to you inside, alone?" Xephos says in a more serious tone.

Honeydew sighs and looks at his other friends before making his way inside, by the fireplace. Nobody else had been there. Before Xephos went in, he glanced at his other friends, smiling awkwardly.

Wait inside
By the fire and we'll talk a while
I didn't mean to let the years go by
Waiting for love

"You cannot go! Not alone, not now." Honeydew exclaims.

Xephos shushes him and sighs.

"Look, I didn't come here for your approval, I just came here to let you know. I'll do this alone if I have to. It's the only chance we have and I'm going to take it." Xephos looks at him, he isn't going to stop.

I'd follow you, but not this time

"Okay. I just settled down Xephos. I'm afraid you'll have to do this alone." Honeydew looks at Xephos a final time. "Good Luck."

Xephos left without giving any signs of leaving.

So I walk in streets unknown
Our bodies and their silver just a loan
I'm sorry that I let you down, let you down, a lifetime ago
I wanna say to all I leave behind
And to those I'll never find
That I need you to understand, understand, you're not on your own

He'd been alone, but had the thoughts of his friends in mind. He'd gone to find Israphel. To finally defeat him.

For the art
I will sing most anything
We are worlds apart
I can do it all

It'd been days and finally, Xephos took a last drink of water from his canteen, looking up at the enormous castle. He kept his hand on the handle of his diamond blade. He walked in cautiously, looking around every corner.

"Ah. I figured you'd show up." Said a disembodied voice. Xephos flicks his sword out and looks around defensively.

Suddenly dozen of mobs are swarming him from the open doors on each side of the room. He fights them off continuously, his blade slick, oozing gore, and rotten bodies fall to his feet with each slash of his blade. Before he knew it, the room was silent, dead bodies below him

Finally, he saw a silhouette, a few feet away from him.

I can do it all

Xephos was quick, his blade caught Israphel cleanly through the middle of Israphel's chest and Xephos, pulled his blade back, kicking Israphel down to the ground. His blade coated in blood.

Suddenly there was a burning agony that sprouted from his ribcage. He grasped his side and looked down at his wound, the tip of an arrow managed to penetrate his skin, and he groaned as he pulled the arrow out quickly. He turned to view his new assailant.

A skeletal archer.

He tossed the arrow down, rushed the archer, slashing his blade into the skeleton's arms, causing it to fall apart. He watched it collapse, but before he knew it, he felt a presence standing up again, he turns but before he could react, Israphel had a blaster already locked onto him and shot, the burn when through his body, but hit his chest, the pain sharpening, and Xephos falling to the ground on impact.

Israphel collapsed as well, dropping the blaster, and disappeared into dust. Xephos was hissing and grunting. Crawling to his pack, to get some bandages, he managed to clean himself up, and took a drink of water. His clothes had been drenched in blood, but at this point he'd been too drained to care, and fell asleep. Did he think he'd wake up again, who knows? He accomplished what he was destined.

Lines fade out, but you illuminate
The path back home, the path you've shown me
As lines fade out, you will illuminate
And lead a way back home

A few moments later, he opens his eyes, and gets up, he must return. He couldn't give up or leave his friends. Even if they chose not to help him. He managed to survive. He stood up, his body sore, but he kept himself moving.


(My first time writing an intense(?) fighting scene. I'd say its okay, it was fun to write.)

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