Not So Typical

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(Featured Characters: Xephos and Strife. Ships: Striphos)

Fake young when we met

Everything seemed alright

Like children sing on the sidewalk

Cut straight through the moonlight

- Age 15 -


Xephos patted Strife's shoulder. Xephos running ahead, laughing.

Strife looked ahead and smiles. "Oh no you didn't." He runs after Xephos, in the night, they'd both been out late, in Strife's backyard.

Xephos trips and falls back, his back to the ground, and he laughs as Strife trips over as well, and falls on top of Xephos. They both laughed and watched each other for a brief moment. But before anything could happen,

"Strife? Xephos? It's getting late. Come inside." Strife's mother calls. Strife stands up and helps Xephos up. They both go inside.

- Age 20 -

How I love those days we didn't get out of bed
Left your taste in my mouth
Your strange voice in my head.

"We've got work today, Strife.." Xephos faces Strife in bed.

"We could take a lazy day, right?" Strife asks, cuddling Xephos, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm fine with that." Xephos grins, and allows the warmth engulf him.

- Age 24 -

Oh, I wanna hear it again
'Cause back then we were caught in a love song so loud, oh yeah
No not so typical love song
'Cause it hurt us again and again

Xephos had been late, again, to another planned date.

"Why the hell are you always late?!" Strife exclaims, Xephos crossing his arms, sighing.

"You know! Work! I usually have to stay late!" Xephos says right back.

"You know what, whatever, it's fine." He sighs and turns away.

"That sir, is ridiculous! If you yell at me, then it's not fine!" Xephos grabs Strife's arm to turn him.

"Xephos, calm down, alright? I'm sleeping in our room without you, not in the mood to argue with you anymore tonight." With that, Strife closes his door and locks it.

So sang that I really need you so bad, oh yeah
No not so typical love song
'Cause it hurt us again and again

- Age 32-

Around the time Strife and Xephos had been getting into fights, they became more distant and ever since, Xephos joined the spacecorps without telling Strife until it was too late and Xephos had to leave for a mission.

"I... have to go." Xephos, dressed in his unform at the door.

"Where?" Strife faces him, looking at his wardrobe. "No.. you didn't.. why didn't you tell me sooner?" Strife watches. Xephos looks down

"Look, I have to go, like now. I'll get back to you, I promise.


Months later, the mission was successful but with some injuries that needed to be treated back on the planet. Xephos unfortunately being apart of it.

Strife races through the doors and opens the door to his lover's room. He watches Xephos faint breathing, covered in bandages and tubes allowing him to breathe. Strife couldn't believe it, it hurt.





I wanna be alright
I wanna be alright
I wanna be alright with my baby tonight
I wanna be alright
I wanna be alright
I wanna be alright with my baby tonight, oh yeah
So sang that I really need you so bad, oh yeah
No not so typical love song
'Cause it hurt us again and again

Xephos was in a deep coma, doctors unsure if he'd be able to survive. Xephos was involved in a big explosion during the mission, injured critically. Medics were lucky to even keep him alive during the journey back. Strife only hoped to have him back and safe.


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