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**Cute beginning with Randy's baby, Randy's an aggressive man in the office; but to his daughter he's the ultimate daddy.**

Randy's POV
Laying on my stomach as I watched my six month old try to stand, "it's weird seeing you on your stomach." Kim comments as she plops down on the couch, "how is it weird" I ask as I sit up pulling Brooklyn into my arms.

"Daddy's got you" I whisper as I play with her little brown hairs, "cause I'm usually under you & looking at your chest. So it's kinda weird seeing your back," ahh of course it's sex related I thought as I grabbed a teething toy.

"We gotta find her a sitter" Kim utters as she scrolls through whatever, "she doesn't need a sitter." I respond before rising to my feet, "I'm here more than you are, she doesn't need some random person watching her."

I added as I placed her in her crib, "be back beautiful" I whisper as I head into the kitchen; "wanna go have some fun?" Kim questions as she squeezes my ass, "no I have a baby to take care of."

I respond before searching through the baby foods, "green beans or carrots" I ask Kim as I grab a tiny spoon. "I don't care" she replies before leaving the kitchen, "then why did you have a baby with me?"

I whisper as I take the green beans & walk back to where Brooklyn was; "ready for another try" I ask as she tries to balance on her feet. Lifting her out of the crib I walked her to the couch, "let's not spit up this time."

I plea as I peel the lid back & get a tiny spoonful, letting the spoon rest at Brooklyn's lips, "it's good" I whisper as she slowly opens her mouth. "Such a good girl" I whisper as she takes in the green mush.

Only a little bit emerged from her mouth, "round two" I whisper as I airplane the food to her lips. "And it's a go" I whisper proudly as she takes in the second serving, "pudgy little baby" I whisper as she grabs at my nose.

"That's daddy's nose" I whisper as she pulls at it, "why don't I pull at your nose;" I joke as I place the spoon at her lips. Getting her away from my nose, "so what do you want for d-" pausing Kim I answered my phone.

Covering my daughters ears, "what Harry" I ask as Brooklyn plays with my feet, she's grabbing everything today. "You gotta come in, explosions everywhere;" my eyes widened "explosions what the hell man?"

I question as I slowly pick Brooklyn up "just come to the office" he shouts before hanging up, oh I'm gonna kill that kid. I thought as I threw my phone to the couch, "going to work, dinner anything quick."

Kissing Brooklyn & Kim goodbye I left, as I grabbed my keys Brooklyn cried out, she does this every time. I feel bad for leaving sometimes, but no work always pulls me in; I thought as I drove to work.

Renee's POV
"What the hell happened" I asked Harry as I arrive at the office, papers where everywhere; looking like the Bad Blood music video. "I don't know I just know my boss is gonna freaking flip!"

He shouts as he paces back & fourth, "the best thing we can do right now is start cleaning," I utter as I began picking up papers. "Harry" someone shouts, I ignore it & continue picking up papers.

"Sir I don't know what happened, I was sitting at my desk then bam" Harry explains "who's been in the building?" He questions as I place papers on the desk, "me & every other person who works here.

You can't come in without a key," my brother explains, turning around I faced my brother & the man who was freaking out. Wrong time to say this but damn this guy was hot as hell, tight fitting suit military shaved head, and dark facial hair.

He was way to good looking, he was tall & I mean tall I'm only 5'2 he's like 6'0; I question as I look away. "Who's she" I heard him ask as I began picking up pens & paper clips, "that's my younger sister sir."

Harry replies as he pulls away from his bosses grip, "what's her name damnit, I didn't come here to waste time! I can't even have a day off to spend with my six month old daughter, without you fucking something up!"

He's married of course he is, lucky lady I thought as I slowly approached Harry, "I'm gonna go" I whisper before kissing his cheek goodbye. Looking up at his boss, who I still didn't know I smiled before leaving, thank god I wasn't wearing anything revealing.

I thought as I left the building, looking at the building seeing the words Orton Towers; could of just read the sign. His last name is Orton, but I wonder what his first name is, ehh I look it up when I get home.


I was at home, girls in bikini's made their way to the pool, guys continued to check them out; disgusting. I thought as I pressed the 'up' button on the elevator, just as the doors open Harry came rushing down the hall.

"Harry what are you doing here shouldn't you be at work," I question as we entered the elevator, "he sent everyone home for the day. He's fucking pissed at me, I mean something explodes & he blames me for not knowing!"

Rolling my eyes as I walked down the hall searching for my room, "well your the assistant you should know these things. Trust me I didn't like the way he yelled at you either, did he find out what exploded?"

I question as I plop down on the couch, tired from taking exams all day; "computers" he replies as he plops down in a chair. "Computers exploded" Harry replies "so what's his first name" I suddenly ask as I grab my laptop.

"Randy" Harry replies as I search his name into the search engine, "god he's hot" I whisper as I look at photos. "Yeah he is but he's married to a complete bitch, who's just using him" Harry comments.

"He has such an adorable baby, looks just like him" I whisper as I turn my laptop off; "can I crash here tonight?" Harry suddenly questions as I head into the kitchen, "yeah sure go ahead;" I reply as I pull a bottle of water out.

"Want anything" I ask before taking a sip "no thanks" Harry replies as he runs his hand through his hair. "Well I'm going down to the pool" I'll see you later," Harry announces before leaving, rolling my eyes I went my own way.

Finally I can get a jump start on my studying.

That was chapter two, God Randy was too freaking cute with his daughter; I just love him!!! Anyways please let me know what you think, I'm open to comments, criticism, Likes & votes!!!
Love you all
- K

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