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**He's probably the hottest father alive, fuck me being 18 years younger than him; he's such a cute father. Back to the story & sorry for the wait 😘"

Randy's POV
I was typing away, bored out of my mind, Kim kept calling & calling; begging me to hire a sitter, if you ask me it was getting annoying. I thought as I sent an email to a client, just as I clicked out of my emails Harry walked by.

"In my office Harry" I calmly demanded as I leaned back in my chair, "yes Mr. Orton" he asks shyly? "Close the door behind you" I utter as I close the drapes, "if your gonna fire me then do it!"

Looking back at Harry I chuckled before rising, "I'm not gonna fire you," he looked relived "well not yet," I continued. "Then why did you call me in here," he continued to ask as I look through his file.

"What's your sisters name again" I question as I close the vanilla folder, "Renee sir" he replies as he turns to face me. "I'd like to meet her, why don't you call her up; I like meeting my workers families!"

I utter as I look out the window cars honked & people shouted about nonsense, "she's a college girl sir she's s-." Chuckling "I don't give a rats ass call her" I demand as I opened my mini fridge, "yes sir."

Is all he says before pulling his phone out, smiling I grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for myself as I listened in on Harry's convo. Gulping down the last bit of wine, I sat the glass in the sink before returning to my desk.

Just as I sat down Harry had hung up, "so when will she join me" I question raising a brow as I went through my notifications. "She'll be here as soon as possible, she's trying to study sir" smiling "I know."

I utter as I signaled him to go away, "when she gets here send her to me," I remind as I turned to face the window. "Alright" Harry utters before leaving, smiling I relaxed & waited for her arrival.

Renee's POV
Looking in the mirror as I prepared to leave my room, my brother just called & asked well told me I had to return to his work. All he said was Mr. Orton wants a proper greeting, whatever that means; I thought as I left.

Stepping into the elevator I pressed 'down' and waited, while I waited I kept looking in the tiny mirror. I felt like a clown, I'm getting ready to go meet a multibillionaire in a 200$ outfit, he's probably wearing a 1000$ suit?

Maybe more I panicked as the elevator dinged, stepping off I then hurried to my truck, another thing I should worry about. What if he asks me about my transportation, I mean why would he; he doesn't give a damn?

God I need a coffee I thought as I started the 'old' trucks ignition, hearing the soft yet loud purr; once buckled I left. Why did Mr. Orton want to meet me, out of all people in this giant world; why me?

Is it because I was at his work yesterday, maybe he wanted to yell at me for being there; even thought I was having lunch with Harry? God now I'm sweating, rambling on about what this gorgeous man wants?


Parking my truck in a decent spot, I ran a hand through my hair before heading towards the buildings entrance. Pulling at the door, it didn't budge, seeing that you needed like a fob of some sort?

Pulling my phone out of my overall pocket I quickly texted Harry telling him I was here & stuck outside. After sending the message I slipped my phone back into my pocket before looking through the window, seeing nobody.

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