Capítulo I

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It was the last week of October and everyone is gearing up for their favorite holiday. Halloween! Well, everyone except Donald Duck. He had hoped that he wouldn't spend this Halloween by himself, giving out treats like the last couple Halloween's. But it seems like he's heading towards that direction. He called his friends, but everyone had other plans. Mickey's gone with Minnie to a party out of town. Goofy's bonding with his kid. Daisy's away with family. And his nephews are grounded after being the cause of an incident involving mangoes, a clock and TNT. Donald was getting desperate. He was going to even call his cheap Uncle Scrooge! He flipped through his contact booklet for the third time in case he missed anyone.

Darn! Halloween is only a couple days away! He thought. I really don't want to be alone like last year. And the year before that. Ant the year before that!

Once he flipped to the last page, he threw it to the floor with anger and sank into his blue sofa.

-Ugh... I even made my own pumpkin pie recipe that I've been working my butt off to perfect -He sulked- Ay caramba- He lifted himself up and said it again, only slower. -Ay caramba...That's Spanish... And Spanish is spoken in México... And the one guy I know who lives in México is good ole' Panchito- He shouted. -Oh boy! I hope he doesn't already have plans- he said as he dashed to his room. He opened his closet and pulled out a small, multicolored piñata. He held it over his beg and ripped it in half. -There's got to be something in here- he muttered, trying to find his contact information in the pile of Mexican candy and confetti. After a few moments, he was able to find his card. He dashed to his phone on his bedside table and quickly dialed the number.¡

-...Hola. This is the Pistola residence. Pancho speaking-

-Hey Pancho! Its Donald! I was wondering if -Pancho cut him off.

-Donald! Ay caramba! Its been a while since we've heard each other!- He

-Y-Yeah. Since we said goodbye at the airport. By the way, I developed migraines and back problems because of what happened!- He hissed, thinking back to what happened in México a while back.

-I'm sorry to hear that, I haven't been that peachy either. The medicina I'm taking has a lot of side affects. Do you want to know what those side affects are, Donald?- He asked.

-Sure- he replied.

Pancho left the phone for a couple moments and came back. Donald heard a little shake of what sounded like pills in a bottle.

-Here they are... Drowsiness, unusual cravings, constipation, severe headaches, vivid hallucinations, sleeping imbalance, mood swings, short term memory loss and speech impediment! Dies! Ten side affects!- He ranted.

-Geeze. That's a whole lot of side affects- Donald added.

-Did you call me just to talk about that?-

-No! Actually, I was wondering if you could come over and hang out with me for Halloween- he explained.

-Oh! Its on the 31st. Sí?- He asked excitingly.


-Heck yeah we can hang out! I've never celebrated Halloween before- Just after that, Donald heard kids playing on the other line.

-Hermano. Who are you talking to?- His tiny, little sister asked.

Panchito cupped the bottom of the phone. "Nadie. Go away!" Panchito exclaimed.

Halloween With The Three CaballrosWhere stories live. Discover now