Capitulo Dez

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The guys eagerly wanted to know more about their tiny friend. How did he end up in the T.V? What happened to his parents? Are they still trapped in the T.V? However, Gabriel didn't cooperate with them any further. Instead, he would either cover his ears or start to cry when Donald pulled his fingers out from his ears. The guys eventually dropped the entire conversation and moved on to another predicament that they faced. What's Gabriel's costume going to be?

With the limited time and resources they had, they put their heads together, literally, and thought of costumes for the boy. As the documentary about the origins of Halloween played in the background on Donald's new T.V, Donald insisted on stuffing Gabriel in a pumpkin as a costume. But it was constantly shut down. Other ideas came up, like mummy out of toilet paper and a cereal box even. It wasn't Gabriel came in the living room wearing a white blanket over himself that they got an idea. Once José cut out two holes, for him to see, and cut the blanket shorter, so he wouldn't trip over it, the costume was ready. Gabriel's costume for Halloween was a classic sheet ghost.

Once the guys sat down to watch the documentary, Gabriel wrapped the blanket around himself, sat down on José's lap and watched the program with them. He looked up at the Brazilian and asked. -What are we goin' to do today José?-

José looked down and smiled. -We are going to dress up, divertir-se, and eat lots of candy-

The boys purple eyes widened and it up. -Really? I get to eat as much Baby Ruth's and Charleston Chew's as I want?!-

-I don't see why not- he said as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a cigar and put it in-between his lips.

Panchito, not wanting Gabriel to experience the dangers of second hand smoke, grabbed the cigar before it could be lit and put it in his hat. -Are you crazy?-exclaimed. -Don't smoke in front of the boy! Its very peligroso!-

-Ah! Me desculpe Gabriel! I didn't mean to do that!- He then made a proclamation to his friends. -Tell you what. I won't smoke anymore today- He reached in his pocket, pulled out 3 leather cigar cases and gave them to Panchito, who put them in his hat for safety measures. -Huh. I wonder hos it will feel for me to not smoke the entire day. I've never done it before-

Gabriel commented -When my mom stopped, she became really mad and crazy and I don't want you to be like her. If you want to, you can smoke. You don't have to stop because of me-

-Its fine meu anjo. I can survive-

For the next couple hours, Gabriel and the Latin men had their eyes glued to the television. They learned why people carved faces on pumpkins and bobbed for apples. Since Halloween is one of the most dangerous holidays, especially for children, José and Panchito, especially the Brazilian, took mental notes to watch out for razor blades in candy. Whereas Donald snoozed throughout the entire day. Once Donald woke up, it was around 6 PM and the guys were still in their costumes. Eager to leave the house. Donald went up to his room to change into his costume. He put on his police uniform, adjusted the blue cop hat and replaced the shorts he was supposed to wear with some navy blue pants he owned. He also grabbed his Nikon camera from the drawer of his bedside table and rushed downstairs. Before they left, they took a few pictures of themselves, like sticking out their tongues and another of them in a group hug. After that, the four of them grabbed their plastic pumpkin buckets and left the house, into the Halloween night.

First house...

The first house they visited was located down a couple blocks away from Donald's house. It was only adorned with two pumpkins near the door and a plastic witch, which hung on the doorknob. It was very plain and boring. José picked up the excited child so he could ring the doorbell. Once Gabriel rung the bell, they held out their bags and exclaimed, "Trick-Or-Treat," with large smiles on their faces.

Halloween With The Three CaballrosWhere stories live. Discover now