Chapter VIII

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-How's José doin'?- Panchito asked as he squatted down beside Donald in front of the white door.

Donald sighed. -From what I can see from the key hole, he's still laying in bed-

-¿Todavía? ¿A esta hora? Was the monster thatscary?-

Donald nodded. -It's the scariest monster I've ever seen- From far away, the monster looked terrifying. He couldn't imagine how frightened José might have been for being in the front line. -But I passed out before it came near us. To be honest I don't even know how we managed to make it out alive-

He rubbed the worried mans back. -Just be glad that you did- he commented.

Inside the guest bedroom, José laid on the large bed beside the sleeping Gabriel as he starred up at the pale blue ceiling. He didn't sleep a wink that night. He stood watch of his friends and Gabriel while they all slept together in the room incase any other supernatural force came for them, especially the monster. He even got up and checked if they were breathing. After what happened to his best friend, he wanted to make sure. He also replayed that memory over and over again. He turned to his side, wrapped his right arm around Gabriel and rested his hand on his black hair.

Inside the T.V...

Sweat dripped from his face as he ran as fast as he can while he carried Donald and Gabriel. His heart pounded harder like never before and his throat was in pain from breathing in the frosty air. He saw see the blue portal to their world in the distance, but the creature caught up to him and grabbed his ankle with its large, boney hand. José tripped and landed on his face, hard. Donald and Gabriel fell onto the floor. Donald fell head first, knocking him unconscious, and the boy immediately picked himself up and ran to José.

José looked up and saw Gabriel running toward him. As blood ran down from his nose and lips, he shouted.

-Não venha!- The boy stopped in his tracks. -Stay over there! Don't come here!-

The boy nodded and went back to the unconscious man.

The creature tuned José onto his back and pinned him down. José starred up fearfully into its large, black, almond shaped eyes. He heard the creature growl like a demonic dog. The creature opened it's mouth slowly, breathing out what smelled close to rotten meat, and stuck out its black, snake like tongue. It then licked off some of his blood from the terrified mans chin. José snapped himself back and covered his face with his forearms. The creature suddenly sank its large, amber teeth into his right forearm, biting his bone as well. José let out a bloodcurdling scream. He could feel himself getting weaker and weaker as blood dripped from his arm. The creature bit down harder and José could feel that he would pass out at any moment. His vision began to blur, but he mustered up enough energy to use his free hand and poke the creature in its eye. It immediately let go of him and howled in pain. He turned onto his stomach and tried to crawl away with his good arm, but the monster grabbed his ankle again. José thought this was the end. But then he remembered something that could save his life.

He muttered.

-Ao dar a criatura a incapacidade de ver. Ele vai me deixar livre- His left palm glowed bright blue. With his remaining strength, he turned to his side and punched the creature square in the face. The creature looked around, dazed and confused. José took the chance to stumble onto his feet and run to the guys. He grabbed them, ran to the portal and jumped in. Then, he woke up covered in sludge in his world with his friends.

He rolled up his sleeve to see how bad his wound was, but the wound was closed, leaving behind its teeth impressions only. He was thankful that his friends were unscathed after the incident and didn't have to ordeal what he had to go through. He looked down onto Gabriel's sleeping face. An infinite amount of questions ran through his mind. Who is this menino? Why was he in the T.V? Is he even human? Gabriel, with his eyes still shut, pulled up the blanket to his ears and nestled himself deeper into José's chest, like he had longed to be warm from being in that freezing hell. And like that, all of José's doubts of Gabriel being non-human flushed away. He looked across the room to the window to see what time of day it was and is eyes widened with fear when he saw shadows of what looked like sharp, elongated fingers at the window. José was frightened for a moment but calmed down when he realized they were the shadows of leafless branches from the trees.

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