Pretty Woman

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"Sorry I'm late, Mary." - I said, just after I entered Pop's.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." - she said, as she took her apron off. - "Table 2 already payed me; the booth on the left, they have 3 milkshakes and a burger; the booth on the right, they have, uh, a slice of Apple pie, curly fries and a milkshake. Oh and there's one order that's waiting to be picked up." - she filled me in on work. I nodded and put my own apron on.

"Thanks." - I said, while writing down the things she had just told me. - "Well, see you tomorrow."

She nodded and smiled. - "Bye, Alice."

"Bye, have a nice day." - I smiled back.

Even tho it was summer vacation, Friday and Saturday were still the busiest days, especially starting from 5pm.
Right now it was 3 pm, my shift had just begun and in a couple of hours, this place was going to be loaded with people.

I'd rather get up early in the morning, than work the second shift of Friday and Saturday. - I sighed, as I thought to myself.

"Hello, Alice." - Pops greeted me with a wide, warm smile

"Hi, Pop. How are you on this fine day?" - I grinned.

"I'm great, my dear. My daughter is coming back home from college today and I can't wait to see her." - he said excited.

"Can we get the check, please?" - the booth on the left called.

I turned around and nodded at them. - "I'm happy to hear that Pop." - I grinned at him and headed to the booth.

"Have a nice day." - I smiled at the people, as I picked up the dishes they were using earlier. I put the tip they left me in the left pocket of my uniform.

Not long had passed and the diner was starting to fill up. I was running everywhere. Checks, new orders, refills..

A couple of hours later and it wasn't any better. And on top of all, we also had other orders that needed to be picked up for take out.

The bell on the door rang again and I rolled my eyes. Who else in this town could possibly show up? There aren't any seats left. - I said to myself.

"Hey, doll." - I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around. - "FP?! What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? I came here for you." - he said and flashed me a million dollar smile.


"Well I was thinking that we haven't really seen each other this whole summer and maybe we could catch up?"

"FP Jones, are you asking me out?" - I couldn't help, but fight the smile that was spreading across my face.

"Uh.. no?" - he said it more as a question, than an answer, as he ran his fingers through his hair. - "I told you, it's just catching up." - he shrugged.

"Aw, that's so nice of you. What a sweetheart you are." - I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. - "How thoughtful of you, really, but, I unfortunately, can't at this moment."

"Why not?" - he asked, almost disappointed.

"Uhm, I dunno, maybe cause I'm in the middle of something right now?" - I said, rolling my eyes again, sarcasm was dripping from me. I gestured around the diner with my hands. - "Like, working?"

"Oh, yeah.." - he chuckled.

"Excuse me, Miss, what's taking so long?" - the booth on the furthest right called.

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