Goodbye and good riddance

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The next morning when Alice woke up, she was in her bed. She furrowed her eyebrows, memories from the night before started hitting her.

"What a weird dream." - she mumbled to herself.

It was all a blur and she couldn't really put her finger on what was real and what wasn't. But she was more than certain that FP could never say any of the things she remembered, or dreamt of.

She stretched and walked to the closet to put some clothes on. After she brushed her teeth, she moved the chair away from the door, unlocked it and walked downstairs.

Her grandparents were awake and were drinking their morning coffees.

"Good morning, sweetheart." - her grandfather smiled.

"Morning grandpa," - she smiled back. - "morning grandma." - she sat next to them. - "How did you sleep?"

"Fine." - her grandmother shrugged. - "Your mother had to leave for work, but I made you some breakfast."

"Thank you, Nana." - Alice smiled.

"You should join Jackson, he woke up just a while ago."

"Look, grandma, I'm not sure why you even brought him here in the first place." - Alice whispered.

"I told you, I wanted to-"

"To surprise me, yeah. I got that. But why would you think that it would be a good idea?"

"I thought that it would have made you happy." - she frowned. - "He was your first boyfriend. I thought that you two ended it because you both had to go back home and that maybe you still wrote to each other, or even talked through the phone."

"Yeah, well we don't." - Alice rolled her eyes. - "We didn't end it well." - she shook her head. - "He wasn't the best guy ever."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I really didn't know." - her grandmother mumbled.

"I told you that this wasn't a good idea." - her grandfather glared at his wife. - "This was supposed to be our time with our family, not bringing in some intruders." - he said, looking towards the kitchen.

"It's alright, grandpa." - Alice sighed. - "I'll figure something out." - she shrugged.

"What's all this whispering about?" - a cocky Jackson walked in the living room. - "You all know you're not supposed to whisper when you have company around."

"Luckily, those are the rules of the owners of the place and that's not you." - Alice said, as she brushed passed him.

"Your mother said we were going to get dinner at something called Pop's today." - he said, walking towards Alice.

"My grandparents are here, in the other room, don't you dare make a move you'll regret." - Alice glared at the boy, standing too close, in front of her.

"You think so low of me." - he chuckled, while brushing her hair out of her face.

"Only as low as the disgusting little cockroach you are." - she frowned. - "And I can't wait till the day someone steps on you and squishes you." - she said and pushed him off her.

"You've gotten so ballsy." - he smirked.

"Whatever." - she shrugged him off.

Alice jogged upstairs and put her work uniform on. She put her hair up in a ponytail, as she was walking down the stairs.

"Guys, I gotta get to work." - she smiled at her grandparents.

"But your mother said something about you taking a few days off!" - her grandmother frowned.

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