A blast from the past, part 1

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"Alice, wake up! You'll be late for work!" - my mum yelled, as she burst through the door.

I groaned and turned on the other side, covering my head with my pillow.

"What time did you come back home last night?" - she asked and removed the pillow.

"I don't know.. around 3 am?" - I lied.

"That's really irresponsible from you,

I rolled my eyes at her and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and pulled my work uniform out.

"You know you have work in the morning. You can't just stay out till whenever you want! You're not a child anymore, Alicia. You have to be more responsible with your actions and the decisions you make." - she crossed her arms. - "Your grandparents are coming over today, you know that. You won't be able to even work when you haven't slept properly, nevertheless greet them. You haven't seen them in 8 months!"

"Mum, I think I'm aware of all that, but thank you anyway for pointing it out." - I said as I turned to look at her. - "Can you now, please, get out of my room so I can change?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. - "I don't mean you any harm, by saying this. Get dressed and take off. We'll talk when you get back home from work." - she said and walked out of my room.

I looked at the time, it was 6:45 am. I had to hurry up, if I didn't want Hermione to annoy me for being late. I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I masked the bags under my eyes with some concealer, as much as I could and I put my usual lipgloss on.

"Bye, mum." - I said, while walking down the stairs.

"Be home on time after your shift ends!" - she called from the kitchen.

"Fine, can I take the car then?" - I walked over to her.

She hesitated, at first, but ended up giving me the keys to the car, anyway. - "Just try not to get into an accident."

"Mum, I have my driver's license, I know how to drive." - I said, as I took them.

I got in the car and soon I was at the diner. I parked in front and walked inside.

"Hi, H." - I said, as I hugged Hermione.

"Hello, sweetie." - she smiled and hugged me back. - "You look terrible. What happened?"

"Wow, thanks. Really appreciate that." - I sighed.

The diner was completely empty. Nothing new. It usually was, this early.

"I don't feel like going home and I'm hungry, wanna sit down a bit?" - she asked. - "I'll ask Pop to make us a meal. You're probably hungry, as well."

"That would be great." - I said. My stomach growled quietly. - "I'm starving."

I sat down in our usual booth, as Hermione went over to Pop and ordered.

"Here you go girls, your favourites." - Pop smiled at us and put the plates on the table.

"So, what happened last night? Why did you storm off after your shift ended?" - she asked me, while stuffing her face with fries.

I smiled. - "I went on a date."

"A date?! Why didn't you tell me anything? I would've come sooner! Oh my God, Al!" - she grinned. - "Wait, your parents, actually, let you go that late?"

"Well.. my mum did." - I sighed. - "My dad is out of town today. She told him that I was sleeping over at your place. Hope that's okay?"

"Of course. Always here for my girl." - she chuckled. - "So, who's the lucky guy to finally get the chance to take you out?"

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