Chapter Twenty

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The guest continue to clap and path the way for them until he climbs up the stage with Alexander linked to his arm.

Jacob, beaming hugs his son and then looking at Alexandra,  for lack of what to do he kisses her cheeks.

Jaime leans in and kisses his mother who lingers..

"Glad you came to support our cause son,  your presence is warming. This is much your cause as much as ours.."

He smiles but it doesn't get to his eyes.. "You look beautiful mother,  like  always. "

"And you can lie to others but not to me.  I see the look in your eyes Jaime.. Whatever it is.. We are here.  Always. We love you and we want the best for you.  Always. But you need to understand that this is your father's legacy and he always wants his son to be a part of his little joys"

"I am here mother aren't I? "

"Then be here.. All in here.  For once.  Let the man have the joy be wants even for today.  You can do that for us yes?" she touches his cheeks.

He nods.

Then he turns as the clapping seizes.

"Son, would  you like to say a word?" Jacob places his arm on Jaime's shoulders.

He begins to shake his head and stepping back when Alexander nudges him.

"Prove me wrong right? You are already here.. Why the hell not" she whispers.

She had no idea why she bothered but.. Seeing the Mayor up there and his wife who seemed happy to see their son..

She just felt he was just an ungrateful kid who didn't appreciate his parents effort.

If she had a mother and father who loved her like this genuinely.. She would have turned out to be better.  Maybe her parents would have loved her like this.  But they died.. Living her into he arms of her foster father who destroyed her innocence and to a mother who didn't care about her much to know who she fared.

Yes.  Jaime was ungrateful. If he treated them this way. She saw their eyes.  That right there was genuine.

She had seen her father's eyes.. It never had those in them.  But the hunger to have her.  Just like every other man whose desire is obvious...especially in their need.

But this was different. These were parents who would give up anything for their son.

But he..didn't seem to care. If only he knew how many people would give to have their both parents for a day he would appreciate his.

Well.. She was even surprised he didn't walk out the door as he intended but came back.

Maybe he isn't so stone-hearted as he portrays himself to be. Maybe.

She watches him clear his throat and placed a smile on his face.

"Hi.. Sorry about the late entrance...''

''Oh  thats fine, we wondered if we scared you'' Someone says in the crowd. Everyone laughed

''Nah. So you all know, i am not one big on such social front so indulge me if i make a mess of myself being up here'' He smiles , they laugh ''Anyhow erm..Thank you all for coming, This is ten years going strong and the Heritage group have done formidable things in time past and we would continue to do so having your support and contributions ofcourse'' they laugh again

''However, we need to understand that we aren't doing this just so our name would be written in history, i am sure with or without our activities one would still flip the book years from now and would still see the Wellington's name written in gold pen ..but, let it be that our legacy speak for something more than just being the family who got the Mayor seat for years, let it speak that we did impact positively so that our people tend to benefit from it, without strings attached, without fear and without bondage. This charity organisation and fanfare was formed out of the notion that we would eradicate hunger, change the  impoverished state in communities near and far, engage the youths and bring to zero the social vices that plague our streets. That is why when we all come together like this aside mingling, we put hands and pockets together to touch a life, cause a smile, give hope and bless those who cannot bless themselves..and as we continue to do so, more responsibilities are on our shoulders but...we do not get deterred no, because we all can afford a good sleep at night, decent meal, roof over our heads and securities to watch over us like angels with guns..but..outside our walls, there are kids starving, young girls and boys clawing the streets for survival, fathers and mothers with little or nothing to sustain their family and vagabonds loitering the streets for lack of nothing to do but to live another day by ruining others.

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