Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One


Alexander opens her eyes drowsily. She stretches and then freezes.

There was a man in the bed with her, fear grips her, she made to scream when he turns to face her. Eyes closed, he was sleeping.

Her screams catches in her chest.


Why was he on the bed with her, holding her, did they?

She looks down at herself, she was still wearing the patient rope, and he was clothed. Okay he was on pajamas..grey and Burgundy.

She seats up, pushing her hair away from her eyes. The light had seeped into the room from outside, the sun rays beams evenly over him, centering on his face.

She is staring at him.

She raises her legs and places her hands over it, resting her head, she is frowning.

But she didn't stop staring at him.

The night plays before her , she covers her face and groans.

She had another episode, and this time, she had been really scared. She still remembered his soothing voice pulling her out.

Her father was raping her, and strangling her. She had seen his face clearly as though he was right there with her. There was blood, knives, ropes.

Then there were her screams.

She shivers.

Then there was his voice, pulling her out of it, when she did come out, and called his name, it was as if her fear withered away.

She remembered she telling him not to go, why?

She was scared to go back to sleep, and somehow, she felt a presence close to her would chase her fears. When she closed her eyes and did eventually go back to sleep..She felt nothing, no fear, just peace, calm.

she bites her lips.

That was what was making her upset. Because she didn't understand why she felt safe, in his arms. Did the nurse give her some stupid drugs though? She should ask her.

It was messing up with her thoughts maybe.

She stares at him as he continues to sleep, breathing silently. Most men she had been with were never cute sleepers..

Whoa wait! she had never been with him so...why the hell did she just sum him into the some..?

Bleh!! she shivers

Most of her clients were horrible sleepers, they either snored and snorted like pigs, farted in their sleep, groped her and they end up in a bloody nose. she hated to be touched at it, smooched unawares. Infact, she hardly stayed the night and when she did, she set up boundaries.

No kissing, no romancing, just sex..which they pay for and she is on her way. Back home and scrubbing the life out of her body..and hating men ten times more.

She shakes the thoughts away from her head.

She hated men, that fact was never gonna change, they were animals..her father was the head of animals and other men just followed his scent.

Jaime ...

She cocks her head to the side again staring at him, frowning a bit.

Jaime had been a gentleman, surprisingly, he had paid for her services and had not even asked for sex. The other day she had stripped thinking that was what he wanted, he had told her to put on her cloths and had walked away to give her some stupid papers to sign with equally stupid rules she does not intend to keep.

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