Chapter Twenty-Seven

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''The Boss he is busy, you should come later'' The lady wearing a rather two inches two short skirt says to her.

All Tinny-B can see was a lady trying too hard to get people to fancy her, and right now she was in no mood for niceties, Ever since she saw the news this morning, she had cried her eyes out and decided in her mind to make sure who did it pays..and she was going to get to him no matter how difficult.  ''Well Missy, go back and tell the Boss that if he doesn't see me. I would set the whole place on fire and i ain't joking with my words mama, so go back and take your rackidy ass back there and inform him..'' She points to the door behind the lady who eyes her down.

''Oh you wouldn't do no such thing!!'' she challenges her

''You think me coming here with a lighter is a joke, i already went into the kitchen and let the gas on, now i have a lighter and if i get to wait for another hour to speak to him i am going to get his fortune and this building up in a lovely smoke, now take your behind and run got five minutes or we all going to be smelling of burnt flesh!!'' she threatens, showing her the lighter...''You smell that?'' she flings her index finger in the air

The lady sniffs, her eyes grows big ''You..really let the gas on?'

''Run along''

The alarm starts to blare, everyone is running helter-skelter.

Tinny-B smiles as watches the she scurries away out the reception.

The alarm goes off seconds later, the lady comes back breathing hard and eyeing Tinny-B, ''Better go inform him Mama, else i would set off another joke off my sleeves''

The lady walks away and disappears behind the door. 

In less than a minute, the office door swings open and then the lady comes back with a deep frown on her face ''You are messing with fire Tinny-B.  You may be one of the top flyers here but doesn't mean he ain't gonna be tire of your black ass''

''Atleast my ass got customers coming here and fattening the boss's pocket, i don't know what your skinny ass do if not to smell our seats and wiggle your s bony features and making old men cry, now do i get to see the boss or do i need to make another scene?''

''He is waiting''

''Thank you!'' Tinny-B brushes her aside and walks into the office , Rickson Bossade is staring out of the window.

''Try that again Tinny-B and your ass would be kissing the curb you hear me?'' He doesn't turn

''How about we do this instead..Boss, i do not care. Now, i need the address or the number of that fxxker who killed my friend and if you ain't gonna be providing it, i would be talking to the police'' She says in anger, he eyes glistens with tears.

He sighs turning '''We do not know if he killed her okay''

''Did you not watch the news, how she looked? He killed her in cold blood and i knew it, i knew it when she kept complaining about the dude that she had got to be right, he was some weirdo and to think..oh my God to think that he is the mayor's son and..''

Rickson sist down ''Look Tinny-B , i knew she was your friend-''

''She was my best friend, someone close to a sister to me,  infact she was my sister and to find out that she was killed by some weirdo,  the Mayor's son and God knows where her body has been dumped because apparently the call in was anonymous and shit. Look, i just want his address or his number so i can go blow up his house with some gasoline with him inside, nigga ain't gonna go to jail, no, that's so easy for him, he gonna burn for killing my friend, so give it to me!!''

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