Memorandum 18

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Crunch, crunch, crunch.

I stared down at the floor as I walked with my umbrella on my shoulder. Somewhere along the line, I noticed the raindrops slowly bounce from the floor when they splattered. 

It was then I realized that it was small hail.

I turned around and saw you wait patiently under the airport's roof. You stayed there just watching. 

"Come on!" I said. I brought my umbrella over your head so we could both walk together.

Stubbornly, you shook your head with your arms crossed. 

"We can't stay here all day." I tugged at your elbow. 

Even then you resisted. Sighing, I looped my arm through our elbows so we were linked together.

I don't know what it could have been, but this pushed your feet to walk. I tightened my grip on your arm.

"What is a kings favorite kind of precipitation?"

Your eyes rolled in response.

I snuggled closer to your shoulder to avoid your gaze. "Hail."

A coal-black car rolled up to us, "Ira?"


"Welcome back, sir. You haven't aged a day since the last time."

"Get in," you said.

"If there was someone waiting for us, why didn't you stop me?" I asked.

"He was going to come by any minute now anyway."

The moment I sat in, a blissful embrace of warmth welcomed me. The car was comfortable and the cold air outside was killing me.

There were so many beautiful lights in Melbourne and the city was lively. All of the lights in the buildings shone like stars twinkling in the starry night.

It didn't take long to reach a hotel nearby. The entire interior was covered in a beautiful rich gold. Our reflections were dancing when we walked towards the reception desk.

"G'day, we'd like 2 rooms."

"I'm sorry sir, unfortunately, all of our rooms are booked except for one. It must be because of the awful weather."

"Well, there isn't much we could do." Your eyes were looking right into my soul. They were searching for answers, for permission, for any resistance.

Truth is, I was hesitant. But the more I thought about our situation, the more I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

You'd spend most of your time at your business meetings, except at night. I replied with silence.

"Alright, then sir, here is your key card. If you ever need anything you could call or order on the screens."

"Will do."

Ding! The doors of the elevator instantly opened.

"Ninth floor, I suppose," you muttered softly.

We approached the door at the end of the hallway with golden numbers, 909.

Beep! You pushed the door wide open.

Instantly, I could tell there was luxurious embroidery on the bedroom sheets. The view was breathtaking even if it was only a small section of the city.

"We should rest for tonight," you said walking into the restroom.

"Right, we've traveled all day." Despite the fact that it had been hailing, the night was pitch black. The clouds had rolled in at the moment we landed.


You locked the door.

Seconds later, click clack!

You stepped out with silky cobalt blue pajamas. Your bare chest was in plain view as your buttoned-up shirt hanged around your sides. You weren't a man with stone hard muscles or crushing strength, but your slim figure suited you. It made it enhance your elegance and attracted attention. To be quite frank, you were like a model. 

My eyes were glued to your dark chocolate eyes because they reminded me of all the sweets in the world. A drop of liquid began to roll from the edge of my lips- I was salivating.

Your fingers brushed through your hair until our eyes met. 

I could feel heat begin to rise and my eyes darted away in embarrassment. My hands rummaged through my luggage as I wiped my mouth with the corner of my shoulder. Grabbing a random pair of spandex shorts and an oversized t-shirt, I rushed briskly into the restroom to change.

My cherry red face was reflected in the mirror. My hands cupped my ears in hesitance. I didn't know what I was doing or why I reacted the way I did but it felt wrong. Of course, there was a fluttering feeling in my stomach every time I saw you, but there was this urge to hide my emotions. It felt wrong to be with a man in the same room and share the same bed. 

I couldn't spend the rest of the night hiding in the restroom like a rabbit. 

Instead, I stared into my eyes at my reflection to calm myself. Every breath I took became deeper and deeper as they filled my lungs like an inflated balloon. It was then I felt as if I were in control and I changed. 

"Which side are you taking?" You asked from the other side.

"I'll take the side closest to the wall." I opened the door and stepped out.

"G'night, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Ira," I said as I returned to brush my teeth.

"I'm taking the other side."

"Mhm," Within seconds, the hotel room was dead silent. The only noise made were my footsteps as I approached the bed. Crawling into bed was one of the most difficult things I had ever done. I felt the urge to act like a spy and make the least amount of noise. But because of my weight, the bed creaked every time I moved.

You tossed and turned facing my side of the bed with your head digging into your pillow. Your eyes opened a fraction as your hair touched them.

"I'm sorry," I said.

 Your croaky voice was laced with fatigue, "Right." 

I dived into the covers and rolled myself into a warm blanket and whispered, "night."

 You closed your eyes and slept like a baby.

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