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Part 1

Narration :

You recieved a text from an unknown texter while you were walking in the vibrant streets of Seoul. You just broke up with your past boyfriend and the other night you were messed up and crying.

Kim Taehyung: Hey Love!

*Y/N*: Who are you?

Kim taehyung: your future husband.
Kim Taehyung: Just kiddin..

*Y/N*: .....

Kim Taehyung: but seriously on a higher note, I am your Future Husband.

*Y/N*: Weirdo.

Kim Taehyung: did you just call me weirdo?

*Y/N*: yes i did.

Kim Taehyung: That's mean of you. I'm offended.

*Y/N*: well, SIR. Im sorry.

Kim Taehyung: I'm Kim Taehyung... and...I like you.

*Y/N*: i like me too

Kim Taehyung: that's just selfish.

*Y/N*: I like you too then.
*Y/N*: how did you get my #?

Kim Taehyung: Oh... that story? I don't remember how I got it but I had a hard time getting it.

*Y/N*: Ah. K

Kim Taehyung:I wish we could be friends.

*Y/N*: not so fast "oppa".

Kim Taehyung: Don't you like me? I'm Handsome as you see.

*Y/N* not so fast

Kim Taehyung: You said "NOT SO FAST" twice. Woooow!

*Y/N*: Can I even trust u?

Kim Taehyung: Of course you can. I'm not a fake friend. I know there's alot of fake friends out there but you can trust me you can even count on me.

*Y/N*: am i gonna trust you?

Kim Taehyung: You can trust me. I promise.

*Y/N*: promise?

Kim Taehyung: I promise.

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