Chapter 1: New Kid?

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock doing its usual thing, waking me up from a weird yet pleasantly calming dream I was with a boy I couldn't see his face, but I somehow knew him. He would talk to me, we would run together and he would take me in his arms and lean into kiss me. I've been having this dream for a long time, but recently its changed somehow. The boy held his hand out to me, I reach to take it before I realize its covered in something, something red, blood it looks like blood. I look at my own hand and find that it too is covered in blood. I'll love you forever he always says and I don't feel the least bit afraid I slowly take his hand feeling happy. I still can't see his face its covered by a shadow, but every time I can almost see above his mouth then I'm awake.

"Oh, shut up." I grumbled as I reached my arm over to the dresser that stood at my bedside feeling the surface for my alarm clock that was still going off. Once I could feel the cold metal of the clock under my hand I shut the alarm off and groaned at the fact that I had to get up. It was May and almost summer break that meant school was almost over. I sat up slowly putting my feet on my wooden floor. It too was cold. I always left my ceiling fan running as I slept so it would be nice and cool in my room when I got up and when I got back from school. I shuffled slowly across my floor to my closet and pick out a regular t-shirt and some nice denim skinny jeans. I have long brown wavy hair that pours out of my head and down my shoulders. I have unusually bright emerald colored eyes that stood out against my nice pale skin. I wore some cute tight black boots that gave off a sassy vibe. I put in some beautiful gold earrings with a golden necklace my grandmother had given to me before she died.

I was gazing into my mirror staring at the reflection of myself when I heard a voice from downstairs. "Michaela dear your breakfast is ready hurry and come down." Called my mother.

"Okay be down in a minute." I called back quickly as I turned and grabbed my bag and made my way out of my bedroom door. I walked into the kitchen when the amazing smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes filled my nose. "Wow mom! This is amazing and it smells amazing too!" I exclaimed with a bright smile on my face. I walked over to the table and sat down. After eating my fill at the table I grabbed my bag and began to walk out the door when I heard my father calling me. "Hold up there, did you forget something?" he asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes smiled and walked over to him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "Okay there happy," I said, "now I really need to get going before I'm late." I laughed. I dashed out the door with my bag on my hip and rush to the bus stop and rode the bus to school. I know I'm 17 and still don't have a car, my dad says he would get me one before summer but I won't get to excited just yet. As soon as I got to my locker I heard the happy voice of Becca calling me from down the hall. "Kayla!!!"

"Oh goodness, hi Becca." I said with a smile. She jogged over and hugged me, asking me how I slept and wondering if I had seen the new kid that was starting school today. "No I haven't," I said, "but why would anyone start school with only a little left that's kind of pointless don't you think?" I add.

"I guess, but who cares he's pretty cute!" she exclaimed.

"Is he now, and you would know this how?" I asked with a smile.

"I saw him in the office when I got here." Becca replied, "You wanna go see if he's still there?" she added with excitement.

"Um I'm sure that I will see him at lunch or something we don't have to go creep on him right now." I said giggling.

"Well getting crept on is the point of being the new kid, so let's go." Becca proclaimed grabbing my arm and pulling me in the direction of the office. I just groaned and went along with it. But when we got to the office the smile on my face disappeared when our eyes met. He had deep blue eyes, with long light blonde hair. He had a cold feeling coming off of his skin. It sent chills down my back. There was something not normal about this boy. He simply stared back at me with empty eyes. In that instant the whole world had seemed to slow down and get quiet, it was him and me in that place, just exchanging looks and judgment. "Kayla......Kayla....Michaela Davis!!!" Becca said yelling. Startled I come back into reality as I shook my head.

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