Chapter 4: Troublesome Two and New Relationships

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Weeks past and there was no sign of Sasha's little friends who I was told were going to be joining us. Even though there was no sign of the troublesome two there was no way I was about to let my guard down and decide that I was safe from any more vampires. But the day when summer break ended and school was back in session I got to see the faces of the two vampires that I had began to think would never show up. Trish and Tish, they were twin vampires and they had devoted their lives to Sasha. They would be her little lap dogs til the day they died and that wouldn't be for a really long time.

Like usual they were introduced as new students in our class. A class that once was only 15 had now with all of our new additions became 19. They just like Sasha acted cute and popular, and of course they let everyone one know that they were the loyal companions of Sasha and like Sasha they forced the two students that were sitting next to Sasha to move. One of those students was Becca, who to my surprise just moved she didn't put up a fight, or say a word. I hadn't talked to her all summer. Moving to the other side of the room I waved, but she barley gave me so much as a glace and walked on by.

I looked at Blaine with a sad look on my face. Feeling concerned he reached over grabbed my hand squeezing it tight. “It'll be alright, she just needs some time.” he said with a gentle smile that made me feel warm and comforted.

“Ya, maybe.” I reply with a fake smile. After the bell rang Blaine stopped me at my locker. “Hey you okay?” he asked giving me a deep concerned look.

“Ya its just that ever since summer started her and I haven't talked that much is at all then after everything that happened this summer she just got even farther from me.” I say back looking over his shoulder at Becca. He looked over his shoulder staring at Becca before looking back at me.

“Maybe you should go talk to her.” he suggested before gently brushing my check.

“Ya okay, I'll try.” I respond before kissing him and walking over to where Becca was standing. I opened my mouth to say something, but only and awkward laugh come out before I say, “Hi”. Turning around she looks at me with a look of annoyance on her face. “Hi.” she says back. There is a few moments of and awkward silence before I say, “Becca look is everything ok.....I mean between us?” I ask biting the inside of my lower lip.

“Sure, Michaela.” she answered half heartily. I knew she was lying because she never called me by my full name she always called my Kayla. “Come on Becca please!” I plead.

“Look you and I have just grew apart ever since Blaine came to school and after you spent the entire summer with him!” she snapped. A confused look came across my face. It was true I spent a huge portion of my summer with him, but I wasn't even dating him until almost the middle of the summer. Even then I went over to her house a lot and she was never there.

-Back flash to summer break-

My summer was kind of a blur. After school got out I was planning on spending every waking moment with Becca, but I ended up going to a camp for 3 weeks and I didn't really get along with some of the girls and guys there and one night a group of kids tried to get me to go party with them. You know have some drinks get high on pot, which non of them were supposed to have that stuff on camp ground and when I said no, and that if they didn't get rid of that shit I would turn them in they didn't take that very well. So the guys picked me up and started running with me to the lake. The girls laughed and shouted running behind the boys.

When they got me to the lake they tried to drown me. I remember them putting my face up in water so I could watch them drown me. Blaine had came to the camp too, he used mind control to get the girls to turn themselves in for what they were going to do at the party and then he sent the three boys that were trying to drown me to the hospital. I didn't see though because I had lost consciousness. When I came to I was spitting up water, and choking for air. I saw Blaine leaning over me when he saw me open my eyes he got to happy and hugged me. “Oh my god you scared me I thought I had lost you!” he said squeezing me tight to his wet body. I was confused, “I'm fine, what are you doing here?” I choked to get out.

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