Chapter 3: Unwanted visitor

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The hours past and when the fifth bell rang that meant it was lunch time. When I got to my locker I saw Becca running up to me. “Hey wanna eat together today?” Becca asked with a chipper voice.

“Um, ya I haven't seen you in a while.” I say slightly tired from the pain in my side and having to deal with now not just one but two vampires that I swear were out to make my life a living hell.

“Yea I know its just you've been a bit busy with Blaine and that new girl lately.” She replies with a teasing smile.

“I'm sorry its not what you think I just can't seem to get rid of them.” I say laughing a bit.

“Speaking of not getting rid of them.” Becca said in an annoyed tone.

“Hey I need to talk to you.” Blaine said walking up to me with a stone serious look on his face.

“Look not today Blaine I'm going to lunch with my best friend.” I scold taking a hold of Beccas arm and starting to walk away. He grabs my arm yanking me away, "Hey!" I yell as I'm being forced in his direction. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “This is important, its about vampires.” He says. I look at Becca with a sorry look on my face and bite my lower lip not wanting to ditch her and go to open my mouth when she cuts me off. “No, don't Kayla I get it its important, just go maybe tomorrow.” she says with a disappointed look on her face before walking away. I felt a kind of sickness grab hold of me. “Okay this had better be worth me losing my friends over!” I snap at him yanking my arm out of his grip.

“Hey I'm not the one who told you to investigate me, its your own fault you know what you know!” He snaps back. “In fact I didn't want anyone to know! But I let you get to close.”

“What do you mean, you let me get to close.” I ask in an confused and annoyed tone. He just looked at me with a angry look, but it wasn't completely mad there was some softness behind his glare. What was with this guy!? I mean he comes into this school stalks me, nearly gets me killed threatens me, and then has the nerve to say its my fault! “Your not saying you care for me are you? Because that can't happen.” I say. His eyes shoot up at the sound of me saying that to him.

“Ya I know its a rule in the Vampire world! I wouldn't want to be with a stupid human girl anyway.” he snaps.I didn't feel anything for him but for some reason hearing those words made me feel a bit insulted that a human girl like me wouldn't be good enough for the likes of him. He wasn't even human!  I couldn't understand why he was so mad. I mean he has told me before the only reason he didn't kill me is because I begged for my life and promised I wouldn't tell anyone. But then again if he really didn't care then why would he save me from those men? He most likely did it so if I said I would tell he would have something to hang over my head. Ya that's what its got to be. But looking at his face I could see he was disappointed and I could see the sadness in his angry eyes. Even if he did care about me that way. I just can't feel that way about him. I mean he's not human and plus it would never last, I would get old and he would stay young forever....unless I become a vampire. NO NO NO that would NEVER happen. I shook my head almost wanting to beat myself for even letting that thought cross my mind.  He began to walk away from me when I grabbed his arm. “Hey what did you want to tell me?” I asked.

“Just stop picking fights with Sasha, trust me you won't win, and knowing her she won't go anywhere without her little doubles and I wont always step in and save your sorry ass.” He muttered before ripping out of my grip and storming off.

“Wait, what do you mean her doubles!?” I asked afraid that I already knew what the answer was.

“The two girls that are always following her around. If she's here that means they won't be far behind.” He replies as he was walking away. A look of fear came over me and somehow I just knew that would be his answer. My heart sank in my chest, and I felt like the world had lost its mind and since of normal. I mean as if it wasn't bad enough that I had to deal with one vampire, then two, but now I have to deal with two more that are on their way here making that a total of four vampires that would be going to my school. Which also meant four times as much as trouble and issues I would have to not only deal with but endure until I graduated. Or until I woke up from this nightmare.  "How is it that my life could get any wor-" I began to say to myself before stopping because anytime I said those words something always happened that made me day a whole lot worse.

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