Chapter 2: My savior

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 When I woke up I was in a hospital room. I had all kinds of cords around me if they weren't hooked up to me. They were plugged into machines around the room. I had a blood bag hanging beside my bed leading into my arm. I looked around dazed and a bit confused when my mother ran over to my side. "Oh honey your awake how are you feeling?" her voice sounded shaky and halfway like a cry of joy and a cry of pain to have to see me this way. I looked down at my body seeing my bloody bandages. There  was a huge gash because my bandage went all the way around my body. "What happened?" I ask.

"Don't you remember? You were attacked by some drunk men outside a bar and some young man found you and brought you here. He didn't leave a name or anything he just got you help then left. You've been asleep for 3 days now. What were you doing clear on the other side of town near a bar!?" she asked in a somewhat upset voice. I didn't know what to tell her, thinking about that caused my memory to come flooding back from the attack, to Blaine, his eyes and...those fangs. "I was just...I was, trying to find a book store that Becca told me about, and I got lost." I say lowering my eyes hoping she would buy it. She softens her face and sighs heavily, "Well it had gotten dark you should have at least called if you got lost."

"I know I'm sorry." I reply feeling horrible for lying to her. I wanted to tell her the truth but I couldn't tell my mom I was following Blaine home because I was wondering were he lived and got attacked by drunk men then saved by a non human being, that I was saved by something that resembled the creatures from her stories she used to tell me....a vampire and that that very same vampire who happened to be Blaine also brought me here to the hospital. There was no way he could be a living vampire. They didn't exist, they were fake, just something from scary stories and movies and yet I couldn't think of anything else he could possibly be.

That night I had to stay in the hospital according to my doctor it was just to be sure everything was okay. I was dreaming of being home and being little again listening to my moms stories about vampires when Blaine came into my vision he stood in the middle of me and my mom I couldn't see or hear my mom talking anymore. I asked him to move so I could see her but he just kept telling me to wake up. I just stared at him confused when he made a scary face baring his fangs at me causing me to jult awake. When I woke up I saw him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. I began to panic, "Stay away from me or I'll call a nurse!" I yell. He laughs a little and leans his head on one of his hands, "Oh yes because a human nurse will help you against me." He had a point there was no way that one single nurse would be able to stop a guy who one isn't human and two, took on three grown men. I began to breath rapidly and I tried to sit up to get out of the bed, "Just calm down I'm not going to hurt you, god." He said in a harsh sarcastic tone. I could kind of see in his eyes he wasn't going to hurt me but I couldn't help it, I mean he is a vampire right. "Is it true?" I ask meekly.

"Is what true?" He asked giving me a strange look.

"You know what, are you a vampire?" I choke to get out.

 "Its not safe that you know that. Now that you know I'll have to kill you." He said with an evil smile on his face. I felt the panic begin to take hold of me again as my heart rate shot up. I looked deeply into the eyes of the man who was going to kill me. "Wait! Please I won't tell anyone!" I exclaim.

"What makes you think I'll believe you?" He asks childishly as he got up out of the chair taking a few steps towards the bed. I began to become frantic, trying to think of some excuse or reason. He was getting closer, my eyes shot around as I panic and spout out words, "Uh, because if you didn't trust me you wouldn't have brought me here! Y-you would have just let me die in that ally!" I exclaim. When he hears my words he stops at the edge of my bed and scoffs getting close to my face, "Don't get the wrong idea little girl." With that he simply turns away from me and walks toward the window.

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