Chapter 8: Zap Me Out of Here Part 7: Kylo Ren and...Van Solo?

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A/N: Okay so just to start out with it, you finally appear in the story again! And secondly, I absolutely love this chapter. It was so fun to write and the names just fit so perfectly. The first time I watched 'The Force Awakens' I was like: "haha...Ren" and then this happened. I really hope you appreciate the name jokes as much as I do, and I also hope that you like this chapter.

I really love Star Wars myself, and I'm sorry if it doesn't really live up to the expectations, but it was fun to write.

Please Enjoy~

In a galaxy far, far away the crime lord Jabba the Hutt has gotten his hands on a sacred treasure from Scarif. If this treasure gets in the hands of the wrong people it will have fatal consequences for the whole galaxy.
The rebels are still fighting against the empire, but their situation have gotten worse with the loss of the majority of their pilots in a battle on Hoth.
Alas the rebellion has obtained information about the treasure. It has come to their knowledge that the treasure is to be traded off on Tatooine. If the rebellion can stop the trade and retrieve the treasure they have a chance of turning their situation around against the empire.

With the empire right at their heel it is now up to two of the bravest rebels to retrieve the treasure and save the galaxy.

"You have got to be kidding me" you said in a defeated tone as you looked to Van at your side. You were currently sitting in the Millennium Falcon, having just landed on Tatooine behind a giant sandbar, out of sight to any other. 

"I think this is rather nice actually" Van stated as he turned off the different switches in the Falcon.

"Of course you do, you are having way too much fun with this whole Han Solo thing" you stated as you rolled your eyes.

"Of course I have, and it's Van Solo" Van corrected as he chuckled at his own wit.

You rolled your eyes as you ran a hand through your braided hair. Van was wearing the classic Han Solo outfit, and you wore something quite similar. Despite not wearing any of her original outfits, you knew exactly who you had gotten the role of. Leia Organa. Which was actually pretty good, Leia was a great role model and a wonderful character, but you didn't feel like being Leia when Han was in the same room, especially not when Han was actually Van.

You and Van pulled on a cape each, got out of the Falcon and walked to the meetup place you had gotten the directions to. It was an outskirts bar in the middle of the desert on Tatooine, and not many would be there, so you had to be careful not to be spotted or cause a stir.

You walked to the door and carefully peeked inside. As you had predicted the bar was almost empty, except for a few Jawas and Tusken Raiders sitting at different tables, and of course Jabba the Hutt sitting in a corner with a package before him. He was apparently still waiting for the trader to appear, so you still had time to get settled.

You took your head back again and looked to Van.

"The treasure is in there? With that thing?" You said in a whisper as you pointed back in to Jabba the Hutt, still careful to not being spotted.

"Looks like it, so you better go get it" Van said as he ushered you to walk into the building.

"Why should I do it?" you said with a hiss and turned to look at Van again with narrowed eyes.

"Haven't you watched the movies? It's Leia who is trapped with Jabba, so you should go in there" Van explained as he looked to you with a confused look in his eyes.

You narrowed your eyes at him and said, "Well as I remember it Han was trapped in carbonite and it was his sorry ass they had to save, so I say you go in there" looking sternly up into his brown eyes.

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