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J: hello

Dolphin: hello

J: wassap

Dolphin: nm

J: u alright?

Dolphin: uh, yeh sure I guess

Dolphin: y would I think something wrong?

J: oh, idk

J: it's just that in the week I've known u ur texts seemed more...idk, bright?

Regina: damn back at it again with the csi shit

J: can it Regina


J: anyway, what's wrong

Dolphin: uh, I really don't know everything just feels off

J: do u wanna call chat?

Dolphin: sure that would be easier.

Regina: and leave me!?

Dad: I'm here?

Regina: oh...ok u 2 can go bye bye

J: *snickers*

Regina: *ignores*

J: *expected yet still disappointed*

J: *calls chenle*


Sane only-

(Ring ring Ding dong...)

-call chenle pov-

"Hello?" Chenle answered the phone. He held it nervously. "Hi, chenle?" A deep voice answered. He shivered. It was lower than he was expecting. "Y-yeh, Jisung right?" He quickly caught himself and came back down to earth. He heard a chuckle that made his heart do something unexpected. He shook it off as nerves. "You sound different from what I expected you to sound Hyung" Jisung joked. "You to" he laughed back. The tension gone and filled with their chattering. "Anyway, what's wrong?" Jisung asked in a concerned tone. "It's just-it's really hard" chenle sighed. Ready to let it all out. Jisung hummed in acknowledgement. "Why?" Chenle was so thankful. This boy who he barely knew was ready to listen to his problems. Not even his family could do that. (With an exception of renjun mark and jaemin). "I..being me, I'm foreign and still learning korean" Jisung giggles. "Are you sure because you sound like you were born just form across the street from me?" Jisung reassured him. He smiled lightly. The others company was so comforting. "It's hard. Because all I have is renjun, my other friend guanlin form China is moving schools and the only true friends I have are renjun mark and jaemin." He breaths our. More worries are eating at him but he held himself back. Better to start soft. "I can tell that isn't the main problem chenle, but if you don't want I tell me you don't have to, but it's better than bottling it up inside" Jisung comments. Reading through chenle a voice as if it were made of glass, or water even. "Yeh, m-my parents are moving back to China, and I'm not going with them." He spoke out with a shaky voice. "Are you going to be alright, who will you be staying with." Jisung asked. His concerns and worry dripping through the phone. Making chenle smile(and totally not blush a little). "Yeh I'll be staying at renjun dorm" he answered. They talked a bit more. "So it seems like you are very popular at school then" he could hear the teasing rolling off the others tongue. "Y-yeh" stutter?! Why did he stutter?! "So is that why it's hard to have many friends, you don't know if their real or not?" Jisung was always correct. Always on point always read through chenle and he has only met him for a WEEK. On text even. They've never met. "Say? What school do you go to?" Jisung questions. "Nct" he heard Jisung gasp. "Wow, I'm moving there soon" he stated excitedly. Checked smile rose on his cheeks. "Wow really that's great." He couldn't wait. He really couldn't. He wanted to meet Jisung. He had no idea who he was or what he looked like. "Ok I gotta go now" Chenle announced as he needed to get ready for bed. "Yeh goodnight and chenle?" Jisungs voice turned softer. "Yeh.." Chenle was curious as to what the other would say. A few things went through his head but they were tossed straight out. "I know we don't really know each other but...if u ever need a place to stay I live alone in an apartment and you could crash here anytime" he could practically feel the younger blushing. "Really?" He wasn't sure if he should be surprised at the fact that the other was kind enough to offer his roof for practically a stranger or that he lives alone at such a young age. "Well..thank you, I think your the kindest person I know" Chenle said still slightly shocked. He heard a small giggle. Dragging him out of his still state. "Do me a favour and don't tell the hyungs I live alone please" he begged slightly. "Sure but where talking about this later" he was worried but knew it wasn't in his place to talk about right now. But later...later was better. "Ok, night night chenle" Jisung said in a deep and raspy voice. Chenle gulped. "Goodnight Jisung" he ended the call and jumped onto his bed/fell backwards. This was gonna be a long week.

Nct dream  ~ crappy ~ text fic Where stories live. Discover now