
72 13 3

Hello I'm sad and lonely
And awkward
Be my friend
And like never talk to me but still
Be my friend

J: wow everybody's asleep

J: at my house I sit in the cold dark of the lonesome room

J: so dark, cold and lonely even though I have 60 blankets on, a nightlight, and 6 boy's sleeping around me

J: this...

J: this is the darkness from within and...


J: ur awake?

Regina: well yeh I am now

Regina: AND WOULDVE STILL BEEN IF YOU HAD are you alright I just read the texts

J: nothing


Regina: sure

J: yeh just 3 am emo sarcasm

Regina: k well if you need anything I'm to your left

Jisung turned his head slightly and met eyes with Haechan who wasn't even two steps away from him. Haechan gave him a warm smile. Not the ones of happiness but the ones meant for comfort

J: k thx


J: what

Regina: I'm awake now

J: do you want food?

Regina: yeh let's gogoGO

J: fridge food or takeout.

Regina: we can't drive only mark can and I'm not waking him



J: k

J: I can just drive

Regina: fine let's go

Jisung carefully placed chenle's head onto a pillow from where it was resting on top of his abdomen.

Jisung eyes Haechan who was stuck in a trance staring at mark. He snickered and earned another pillow to the face.

"Just take a picture it'll last longe- no nOT REALLY!" He grabbed Haechan by the hood of his hoodie and dragged him away before he did anything creepy.

Jisung jumped into the car with Haechan following suit.
"Ok so which one?"
"What would mark want?"
"Pizza honestly..what would chenle want?" Haechan asked.
Jisung searches through his mind and memories for a few hints at the food.
"Maccas?" He answered happily.
"Ok so what abou-" he started but was cut off with an
"ok maccas let's GO!".
Haechans enthusiasm and determination on Ignoring renomin caused Jisung to chuckle.
The car grumbled to life and Haechan immediately bluetooth'd his phone to the car. (Jisung rich and smart so he got a license don't ask unnecessary questions)

This is tiny but I felt bad for....abandoning this by "ACCIDENT"
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