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When Jisung fell over I cried

When he fell over AGAIN I bawled

& when he was limping I started emo sad sobbing in the corner

thank you

J: I wanna watch a movie

Regina: of corse you do

Muffin: then watch one

J: but I'm lonely~~~~

Smize: Jisung I've got an assignment

J: I'll do it for you

Gretchen: hey! Jisung bud, can u be like my childhood BFF 2

Regina: nope

J: sorry

Smize: rights reserved

Muffin: geez how desperate are you to watch a movie together

J: his assignments aren't hard

Smize: omfg shut up ur just smart

Regina: well I'm free, do you want ramen or pizza or chicken

J: yes

Muffin:......I wanna come

J: uuuuuh sure? If u want


J: yeh?

Muffin: omg ur a sweetheart txt me ur address

Private message from Jisung to renjun-


muffin: xx thx want me to pick anything up

J: hell yeh!!

J: any specific movies u wanna watch?

Muffin: figure it out later

J: kk ttyl

Muffin: sys x

Sneaky snakes-

Smize: okay I'll bring my shiY to ur house

J: yeh it'll only be quick

Smize: of corse coz a 5 hour at least assignment is like not even 30 minuets for you is it?

J: gottieeeeee

Gretchen: can I come?

J: sure I texted renjun the address get it from him

J: what bout chenle

Renjun: haven't heard from him

J: I'll check

Same people only-

Jam: hyunggg~

Lele: child

Jam: barely a year but whatever

Lele: anyway~

Jam: u wanna come over all the hyungs are coming

Lele: hmmm....

Jam: for a movie at mine as there'll be food

Lele: food=me

Jam: ?

Lele: that means yes

Jam: great my address is


Lele: k xx byeeee~ I'll come over now be there in 8

Jam: OkaYYYyYYyyYyYyYyyYyyyYYyy

Sneaky snakes

Nct dream  ~ crappy ~ text fic Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora