Unfinished Business

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Bruce entered Fisk Industries with the stride of a man who owned the place.  Well, in the present case, co-owned, but that's besides the point.  He rode the elevator to the level he knew Fisk kept his laptop, and intruded into the room.

"Okay, I managed to disable the security cameras for a minute and a half, so you don't need to worry about them," Oracle's voice scrambled voice stated.

"I rather like your Gotham contact," Matt remarked.  "I wish I had my private hacker to do my electronic bidding."

"Well, that's what you get for recruiting willing help," Bruce said, sticking the virus into the USB port.

"In less than a minute we'll have all of Fisk's dirty little secrets," Oracle informed.

The sound of the doorknob turning caught Bruce's attention.

"I think someone is coming into the room," Bruce stated, urgently.

"That's strange," Oracle replied.  "Security don't patrol that level until nine o'clock."

The door swung open, and Fisk entered his office.

"Bruce, what a pleasant surprise.  May I ask what you're doing here at this time?" Fisk asked, politely.

"Keep him talking, Bruce.  The virus is almost installed," Oracle stated.

"Um, I came to visit you.  To discuss..."

"Business," Oracle interjected.

"Business, ah, yes."

"Bruce, I'm sure it could wait until the morning," Fisk yawned, "but what did you have in mind?"

"I was just thinking, LexCorp and Queen Consolidated are on the rise on creating futuristic technology."

"Right," Fisk nodded.

"With the resources our companies have together, what could we do to beat them?"

"Okay, Bruce, the download is complete.  Get out of there," Oracle instructed.

"As you may know, Norman Osborn was recently convicted for his acts as the Green Goblin.  Fisk Industries lost a lot of money in their investment with Oscorp, but with the newly forged alliance with Wayne Enterprises, I'm sure we'll bounce back," Fisk replied.  "We're using the funding from your company to fiance research for our projects."

"Well, that was all I need to hear to be satisfied," Bruce said, casually pulling the virus out of Fisk's laptop.

Bruce said his goodbyes, and left the corporation, the virus still in his pocket.

At Matt's condominium...

"Excellent work!  All of the Kingpin's actions are documented in his laptop, and are pouring into the Batcomputer's hard drive.  All we have to do is, give it to the Feds and let them handle it from there," Oracle stated.

"No.  Fisk is a very powerful man, and his target can still be endangered even if he's locked up.  We need to identify his target, take down the mercenaries, and then we can deal with Fisk," Matt contradicted.

"Whoever the target is, we now have him in the Batcomputer," Oracle stated.  "Damn, Fisk has state-of-the-art security.  Even the file regarding the target is encrypted.  But, if you're an amazing person like me, you can bypass the firewall protecting the flash drive's content.  There!  All done, I just e-mailed it to you."

"If it was that easy, than why didn't you decrypt it sooner?" Matt asked.

"I have more customers than just you.  Most of them are above your pay grade, pal," Oracle replied.  "Speaking of them, I have some other matters to attend to."

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