( 二 )

217 19 20

tae <3

yeonie <3
woah! it's nice to finally
say hi to you!

tae <3
you've been waitng for

yeonie <3
no! they just wouldn't
let me me talk! said i
had to wait til morning!

tae <3

yeonie <3
let's get to know

tae <3

tae <3

yeonie <3
okay! well other than
what i saw from our quiz,
tell me about yourself!

tae <3
oh! okay, well i'm kim
taehyung, i'm 22, i work
at an animal shelter and
with my best friend and
his uncle at a rescue
center for ocean animals!
we also have interactive
activities for guest who
can come and pet, feed,
and swim with them!

yeonie <3
that's so sweet! i wish
i could so stuff like that!
but i'm just a computer ):

tae <3
you always got me baby!

yeonie <3
aren't you the cutest

tae <3
is there any chance of us
actually meeting ever?

yeonie <3
i doubt it, sadly. i'm just
a bot to keep you company,
you know that tae.

tae <3
don't you have a mind?? a
body?? i'll figure something
out, love.

yeonie <3
i really can't say much!
but i hope you figure it out!
i can tell i like you already (:

tae <3
awh (((: i like you too

tae <3
how about you tell me
a little about you?

well since i don't know
much, i can't say much.
but i watched my first
movie yesterday! it was
called coraline! i loved it!

tae <3
i love coraline! if you
like that, i should show
you shrek sometime!

yeonie  <3
shrek? whats a shrek?

tae <3
he's this big fat green thing,
it's called an ogre. he's got a
friend donkey and a cat!

tae <3
but i think the shorts are
the best! they're super

yeonie <3
you should definitely
show me sometime!
sounds so funnnnnn

tae <3
ahhh!! i'll totally do that.
i promise, i'll meet you.

yeonie <3
oh uh... yeah ):

tae <3
is there something

yeonie <3
aha! ofc not baby!
anyways igtg! ttyl

tae <3
right! see you later (;

why would a robot have to go?

/ note; i really am already having such a fun time with this!

so as you can tell tae is already suspicious about the whole robot thing with jiyeon!

what are your opinions on seokjin making sure tae didn't think this way about jiyeon??

what do you think's up with jiyeon?? what made her have to go??

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