Ch 6

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Ch 6

It's been three days and they keep sending notes and I'm tired. I've stayed up most nights and I don't know what to do I'm to weak to fight for him. I know Zander doesn't want him but I don't care he's mine and I love him. Tight now he's in my lap its about five in the morning and I still haven't slept. I always stay up with him I usually sleep during the day so Zander watches him. I was dosing off when I heard my door creak open and two little blue eyes look at me. There were tears in her eyes it was Carly why was the angel crying? I know what your thinking I know she's not mine but I just love kids. She slowly walks to me and whispers " can I sleep with him please?" I smiled " of course sweet heart". She looks relieved to hear that. I slowly tried to pick her up but when my hand touched her back she screamed out in pain. I slowly picked her up by her sides and turned her around. Her back was to me and I slowly lifted up her shirt. I about cried there where whip marks. Why I was about to cry is because they looked like mine memories flushed into my head. Why would someone do this to a three year old? I was angry I calmly turned Carly around " who did this to you?" she looked scared " well I was a bad girl so I deserved it". What sick person would tell that to a child? I was beyond mad" who did it Carly?" I used my alpha female voice she couldn't fight " my mommy". I gasped her mom she was so sweet why? I didn't realize I said that out loud until Carly answered " she thinks I'm to much like my daddy". Thats right her mate left her she was with the third in command because he lost his mate. I put her softly with Zachary and he instantly wrapped around her but didn't touch her back did he know? I slowly got up and ran to her room and burst in she was sleeping. I grabbed her by the hair and threw her against a wall she screamed. " What you can do it to a three year old but its wrong to do it to you" she was she'll shocked " you know" she whispered "yes" I growled. Her husband walked in angry as hell. I stopped him from talking I knew he loved Carly even though she wasn't his. " your wife literally whipped your child and beat her" he was more shocked he growled and asked where she was I led him upstairs and pried Zachary away from her and gently handed her to him. He walked away. I crawled back in bed that poor child she reminded me of myself I use to think it was my fault to. I felt a tear fall off my face apparently my crying woke up Zander because soon I was in his lap balling. I cried because I had never had a family. I cried because of Carly and I wished I could have caught it faster so she didn't have to suffer. I then fell asleep when I woke up I was alone on the bed and I smelt bacon. I quickly went downstairs to find Zander making breakfast bacon, eggs, and waffles Zachary's had a smiley face on it. I laughed because it looked like joker because Zachary had smeared it. My laughing got Zander's attention he turned around and handed me food I went to the table and ate quietly. Then all of the sudden I was thrown by someone I opened my eyes to find Carly's mom " you should have minded your own business" I smiled " you should have been a good mother". I saw her eyes turn black and she turned into her brownish red wolf. I smiled and turned into my white wolf and she attacked by butting my leg I kicked her face satisfied by the whimper I heard. I attacked by butting her stomach and she got a hold of my tail and threw me against a wall. I closed my eyes from the pain I heard a growl and saw a giant black wolf in front of me. " Get out of here Grace or I will kill you" She ran off but not before saying " I will get my revenge" what will she do?



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