Chapter 24: One for the Team

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Cover blown, I simply drew my sword, igniting it as I jumped toward my opponent. I didn't plan on wasting any time making conversation, instead focusing on my assault. The demon grabbed hold of my blade with both of his hands as if it were nothing, yet as soon as the flame began to burn him, he pushed away and growled.

Slinging his claw to the side, before lunging at me, I could smell his burnt flesh as he swiped, hissing through barred teeth. I caught the knives, but his strength had grown, making him far too difficult to fend off. I ended up doing the same thing he had and simply pushed myself out of his reach.

"You know, buddy," he cooed, "There's not really much sense in you fighting me. You can already tell that. My time subject to your advantage is over."

While his increased power did have me on edge, I wasn't about to give up and not put my all into this fight. I shot forward again, swinging my sword viciously in no particular pattern, desperate to land a blow. The ferocity of my attack seemed to piss him off and he actually fell victim to one strike when his missed its mark and grazed my shoulder instead.

He faltered, peering down at his torn and charred sweater, patting the tiny flame while blood fell from the gash in his chest. I moved in for another hit, but he vanished, reappearing a bit further in the distance to reveal his wound entirely healed.

Motherfucking shit. How in fuck's name was I supposed to kill something like that? Decapitation maybe? Knowing my luck, the bastard would grow a new head or split into two like some sort of hydra.

McGraff chortled maniacally, "You see, I know how to fully control my abilities while you lack the same experience. Face it; you can't win."

"HAH!" I yelled, managing to hide my insecurity, "Who do you think you're fooling? It wasn't but recently you were looking for me to stop chasing you because you couldn't beat me."

The demon's lips curled, "That may be. However, you haven't improved since then and have now allowed me time to gather my strength."

I glared as he teleported an inch directly in front of me, grabbing onto my shoulders and jutting his knee into my stomach before my brain was able to think enough to ready its weapon again. I cowered back, doing all I could not to double over from the force while I desperately threw my blade.

Once more, he snarled at being set afire, spinning unearthly fast several times until the flames on his clothes died. My eyes fell to the gash to the side of my neck. If he could heal himself, then maybe...

Without luck, I focused my will onto sealing the smaller cuts surrounding the larger one first. If he could regenerate after what would normally be a fatal blow and I couldn't even fix a few scratches, then maybe I was out of my league.

Then a thought struck. I had already put together that he was more powerful within his own domain; what if that meant I was stronger in my home element, so to speak? Perhaps then, my natural leanings toward these spiritual gifts would increase my advantage and his disadvantage, if only just a little.

Initially, I began to run, seeking to dash through one of the many doors around us into a world materialized specifically for me. It dawned, however, that he may not follow. Likewise, I couldn't risk leaving Ames and Devin behind either.

I definitely had to get him back to where my allies were first, making sure the demon tagged along. The question remained though, if his daughter had successfully tied him down yet. If I revealed that I wasn't alone too soon, there could be dire consequences. 

The necromancer hadn't read anything into my hesitation or if he had, it wasn't clear. He was once again upon me, having charged in my direction, claws swiping furiously,  I blocked two blows, twisting to defend against more when he used his annoying disappearing act to get behind me. Dammit! Well, I knew the first thing I would master when I got out of this.

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