Chapter 34: An Odd Couple

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"Are you nervous?"

"I don't think so," I blinked, trying to stand straight while Devin modified the dress shirt to slip properly around my wings.

He snorted, reaching his hand around my waist to pass the scissors off as he tugged the fabric on my back, "What does that mean?"

"Well, I know there's nothing anyone can do to me regardless of whether they can see me or not," I shrugged, "Due to that logic, I'm not nervous. However, I'm afraid that when I step outside, I actually will be, if just out of habit."

"Hm, alright," the man bent his knees to get a different angle from beneath the feathers.

"And I honestly don't think anyone will see me-"

"Pull," he interrupted to order.

I stretched my shoulders forward, "Just like only you and I saw Emma and them. There's probably others who would, but generally speaking, they were invisible. I imagine I'll be the same way."

Devin lifted himself to his feet and strolled to my front, "Try buttoning it up now."

Relaxing my posture, I did as he said, then stepped in a little circle whilst rotating my arms and extending my wings, "Feels good. Thanks."

"Of course," he smiled, "The holes aren't inconspicuous, but at least they're even. You look nice. Sort of a 'Good Guy Lucifer' type deal."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "I prefer comfort over fashion anyway. Bet you would have never guessed."

"Not until after inheriting your wardrobe. You may look good in anything, but I have to dress it up or else I look too ordinary," Devin's flirty mood dropped abruptly, "Not that these past months I've cared about anything like that."

I tilted so that our foreheads touched, "I'm sorry that it took so long."

"No, I'm sorry," he swallowed, "I should have tried harder to find you, I just-"

"Shh," I breathed, "So should have I. But we're here now. Please know it's the truth when I say no matter what it costs, I will always be with you."

A familiar ache panged my heart when I spoke those words. I couldn't help to be reminded of Tyler. It was true I had pledged my dedication to him, a promise corrupted by my inability to keep him safe and my own insecurities. Part of my soul remained troubled over what happened and yet, I knew it was Devin who I loved.

I had nearly abandoned him, pursuing a meaningless life in another realm while thinking that we were lost. With my first love, however, what else could I do? I had attempted so much, ruined so much trying to correct my sin.

What was left? Was I meant to search all eternity basically to apologize and break it off with someone who might have long realized our passion wasn't strong enough?

Regardless of no longer wishing for a life with the man, I wondered if moving on without finding a way to set things right was simply another moral mistake on my part. There were two sides to me now: the one that understood the useless gesture of clinging to the past and the one which fought with human emotion. How could I know what was the proper path?

"I know," Devin closed the inches between us to nuzzle me, instantly jumping to brighter topics, "Have you considered that there are actual paranormal investigators out there?"

"What?" the shift threw me off guard.

"I mean," he stepped out of the hug and began leading the way toward our den, "Not the ghost hunter reality show bullshit. The stuff that's in the movies with secret government organizations and such."

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