The Path of Acceptance

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There wasn't really anything for me to respond. I had yet to give much thought to any plans for the future. All I knew to be absolute was that I wanted to be with Devin, so everything else would just have to be handled when we crossed it.

My boyfriend, did have an answer for the ghost, no matter how inappropriate it may have been, "Probably fuck like rabbits, eat some food, do a little shopping," both the girl and I were staring at this point, "Maybe pull a prank on an unsuspecting person or two."

My chest started to shake with contented chuckles. Fiona seemed equally amused because she shook her head and with one final grin, continued on her way. Once she had vanished, I turned my attention to the man stepping toward the driver's side of the car.

"What about no pranks does your brain not get?" although I laughed with the words, I took a forceful stance with each arm on either side of his shoulders, claws resting on the vehicle I was all but pinning him to.

"You say that now, but you'll get bored," he smirked, calling my playful bluff, "Let's not waste any time. I still have to go to work tomorrow."

For the rest of the day, I listened to a lot of chattering from Devin about how he'd been contemplating enrolling in trade school of some sort. He said he had always thought owning a business would suit him well and the idea of it made him feel accomplished. Apparently, he had already learned that many small businessmen began by working as an apprentice and climbing the ladder from there.

"And," he had said, "Now I don't have to worry about missing time with my spouse, because you can be with me anywhere without it causing any problem."

"That's very true. Though to be honest, I was afraid that never being able to have someone others can see and interact with might weigh on you. It's certainly strange. Everyone will think you're all alone."

"Who gives a shit?" he squeezed me tightly, "Relationships aren't about what others can see or judge. You're here. I can feel you; I can kiss you. That's all I need."

The next day, I followed him to work. Initially, I didn't dress and simply prepared for a day by myself. His earlier comments replayed in my mind, however, and I realized I wasn't ready to be separated again, even if just for a short while. Not an hour after he left, I hopped out of bed and flew through the apartment window.

Despite my physical senses being dulled in this form, the moment I was inside the store, I could smell it. Flooded with that old familiar stench of rotting cardboard, neglected pest problems, and all-around depressing atmosphere, I almost wanted to kidnap my love from the place. Nonetheless, I found where he was working with some old boxes in the storehouse and...he was singing. Not loud and a bit off-key, but it was lovely.

"Couldn't stay away?" he interrupted his song to greet me.


Our days went in and out much the same as this. He did wind up in a mechanics class, which meant there was more need for less company. Even when we were together, I allowed him extra time for recuperation or study. It was sometime during all this when my own thoughts ventured to what I should personally be working on.

For the longest, I had needed to work on sobering and regaining some semblance of control over my life. Then, it had turned over into making things right with Tyler which had ended with having to fix more mistakes by eradicating McGraff's threat. It seemed I had come full circle. Content with my abilities and my relationship, and having corrected what wrongs I could, I understood that the only thing left was to survive. I had to protect and love Devin with the vigor I had been incapable of before.

That's not to say I never considered my past, how it could have been different, or how I might still improve on it, but generally speaking, I focused solely on the present. Over the years, our bond grew stronger as we learned more about each other and embraced our flaws. We had our share of problems, but we never gave up. It was a solemn night indeed, when I asked Devin to marry me.

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