Chapter 28: Mark

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"I thought I might see you back," although the demon held no expression as he peered down at me, he seemed happy, "I did not expect so soon."

"Spike?" I rasped through the throbbing pain in my head.

"Good. You remember," his observation continued.

"Hardly," the ache had already begun to cease, allowing me to focus instead on getting up off of the ground.

My body vibrated as if all its muscles were strained. By the time I was in a seated position, claws in front to push me to my feet, I recalled enough about who I was to wonder...why the fuck do I have claws?

Instead of rising fully, I simply sat and flipped my new assets over a few times in an attempt to understand. Outside of remembering my last visit to this place and the treacherous return, I was clueless.

Looking to the creature again, I finished finding my feet. The instant I gained my ground, however, I almost lost it again. Eventually, I fell back onto my ass after teetering about for a while.

"Don't worry," my companion cocked his head, "You'll get used to those."

"Used to what?" I inquired, twisting my head to look behind me.

Protruding from beside my shoulder blades and lining my spine were two black, feathery masses. Wings? My mind instinctively connected, commanding them to move. When the appendages extended, I discovered their span was roughly my height and a half.

I also noticed that despite initially appearing as two singular attachments, each side was actually made of multiple extensions. It was how closely together they were and the bundles of feathers which made them seem solid. So I was a demon now?

"How did I get these?"

"I assume you died," he stated plainly.

My memory jogged with instances of McGraff's company, our subsequent battle, and Devin crying as he held my fading body. Devin. Sorrow washed over me, demanding I do something to remedy this situation. Once more standing, this time compensating for my new form, I addressed the guide.

"Is it normal to die and become a demon? I didn't use any witchcraft or make a deal with the devil or anything."

"I wouldn't say it's normal," Spike mused, "It's certainly not unheard of. Don't you humans think you become angels when you die?"

I thought about that theory for a moment while also taking a few awkward steps. I guess a lot of people did think that. Or at least, they thought when they died, they went to Heaven where angels were. "Humans aren't exactly encyclopedias on the afterlife as much as some like to think they are."

"Fair enough," the demon answered as he watched me get my bearings, "It's different for everyone, but more or less, the spirit takes on a new life after its body dies. Generally we are simply reborn as what we were last or at least another thing from the same or similar realm."

"You mean like a human could die and come back as a bear?" I asked, focusing on my gait and gaining stability with every step.


"I think that's called reincarnation," I finally felt comfortable enough to look up, "So what now? What do I do?"

"Whatever you want, I guess," his body didn't move at all, yet I pictured him shrugging in his mind.

"I meant, aren't there rules to follow? Laws or Satan or some shit?" my brow furrowed.

"Just the law of the land," he shrugged without shrugging again.

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