Chapter 31: The Problem with Emma

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"Come on, Ems, lighten up," Damian sat down next to the girl and nudged her shoulder with his.

"Leave me alone. I don't feel like it right now," Emma sighed, bending her knees until she could hug them against her chest.

Sitting on the steps of the school they had attended before being murdered, the young leader couldn't understand why the rest of her friends didn't have the same drive she did; this overwhelming need to torture Lloyd McGraff for ruining their lives. How could they forget about what he had done to them so easily? And all because that stupid little bitch blamed them for an accident.

True, her anger should have been directed at that devious mastermind, but unfortunately the price she paid for cursing them had been her soul. It wasn't like a necromacer was just going to grant a wish without something in return. The pure evil which must have dwelt in her being to feel their eternal torment was worth fading from existence altogether was unfathomable.

Having your soul eaten wasn't the same as dying to return somewhere in a new life either. It was as close to true death as any person, spirit, or being could endure. For all her fury, Emma could not comprehend the amount of hatred Fiona held for her and her friends. It was just an accident. They didn't mean to hurt her. Why should they have to pay so dearly for an honest mistake?

"Hey Ems," the tall boy jumped out from behind a tree and threw his arm over the girl's shoulder.

"Damian," she blushed, "What are you doing here? If anyone tells my mom they saw us together-"

"You worry too much!" the older boy leaned over to kiss her cheek, "I haven't been able to spend any time with you because of those goddamn exams this week."

"I know," the equally tired teen sighed, "But hey, last day is tomorrow. I should be able to find plenty of excuses over the summer where we can hang out."

Damian graduated this year, making him about four years older than his girlfriend. When she had told her mother that he asked her out, the woman complained of their age difference despite how mature her daughter appeared. The conversation may have stopped with telling the girl she couldn't go, but Emma pressed the matter, revealing that they already hung out at school and complimenting his personality.

However, this only led to her mother forbidding her from spending any time with the soon-to-be adult, even just as friends between classes. Heart already rebellious, she ignored these orders and instead worked harder to hide their relationship.

If Damian weren't so close to being legal, they likely would have put up more of a fight to be in the open. As it was, the teens feared Emma's mother might try claiming statutory rape or some shit until she was of consenting age herself. Not that the woman knew her daughter was sexually active; they just didn't want to chance it.

Damian wasn't popular nor was he top of his class, but definitely a sweetheart. The two had hit it off instantly, the boy taking the role of protective puppy while she remained the dominant go-getter she always was. Emma was used to having a few naysayers, the kind that wanted to technically be friends yet still seemed to constantly nag, so it didn't bother her that not everyone at school was pleased with her boyfriend either. However, in an unprecedented turn of events, she actually began distancing herself from anyone who didn't really support her, opting for Damian's company instead.

"I heard the freshmen are throwing a party tomorrow night," he suggested, "Maybe if you could get your mom to let you go, we can meet up there."

"That sounds great!" the goth beamed, "Since it's supposed to be freshmen only, I could tell her seniors like you aren't even allowed. I know my friend Amy would vouch for me."

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