"You look..." pt. 2

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Tom led you into the carpet with a confidence that you admired. It all seemed to come so easy to him: the fame, the attention, the adoring fans and photographers always calling out and yanking him in all different directions. He handled it with such grace. You wished you could be that way.

You knew that was one of the reasons why your ex ended things with you. Your insecurities and lack of confidence annoyed him. His being a musician and constantly on the road drove a wedge between you from the start. You had serious trust issues that you warned him about when he was trying to woo you, but he assured you he wouldn't be like other guys before him. And he was good to his word, he was nothing like past relationships; he was much worse.

He abused you with his harsh words whenever you were insecure or jealous. He didn't trust you around your friends, especially Tom. You never admitted your feelings for Tom because you knew you would never act on them, especially not while you were dating another guy. But (Y/E/N) insisted you liked him and would get angry, start a screaming fight, and threaten to end it any time you spent time with Tom and other friends.

It was an exhausting relationship, and you were almost relieved when you finally mustered the courage to break up with (Y/E/N). He blew up and called you every name in the book whenever you finally did it, and somehow convinced you that he was ending things and not you, but he left your house finally at 4 AM that night.

You showed up at your best friend's house crying, and she stayed up with you comforting you. Tom came to her house that next morning because she was a mutual friend, and they had plans. Your friend apologized but told him she would have to cancel and she couldn't leave you that way.

So Tom invited you along. He was sweet, and considerate. They had planned on shopping and getting lunch that day, but Tom took you both to an amusement park and spent the day making sure you were smiling.

Ever since then, you had been in touch with him as friends. But something was developing in your conversations. It wasn't quite flirting, but you felt a connection forming. It terrified you, but you didn't put a stop to it. The connection was too rare; too special to let go.

You were thinking about that connection as you felt Tom lightly tugging at your hand. You looked up at him to see his smiling face. He beamed at you sweetly as he said, "Are you ready?"

You nodded. "Yeah, let's do it."

You stepped into the flashing lights and were immediately bombarded. Photographers called out both your names and waved their arms to get your attention. You always tried your best to look at every camera, but tonight it would be impossible.

Tom's newest movie, which you played a role in, was much anticipated. There were so many celebrities here to celebrate Tom's accomplishment. Every magazine and news station wanted to cover the event.

You and Tom were directed to the first spot to stop and pose. Tom did as he was told, stopping and helping you to the spot. You straightened your skirt as gracefully as you could (the cameras were always watching) and thanked a young woman as she stepped in to help you.

Tom kept his eyes on you.

"Sorry," you giggled. "Maintenance on these dresses is insane."

"Well it's worth it." Tom grinned, slipping his arm around your back. Because of how low your dress was cut in the back, you felt his warm fingertips against your bare skin. You ignored the tingles going up and down your spine. "You look gorgeous."

You smiled at him. Then you were forced to turn your attention to the cameras and the voices shouting from behind them.

You and Tom smiled and posed for a few seconds, then you were directed to the next spot.

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