Backup Or Wat!

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I feel lost, confused. I'm heartbroken, the girl I always wanted has come in my life, and I got to know her. I really wanted to date her, but the day I asked her, she got a boyfriend! I waited, I was her friend. We were actually very great friends. Then, her boyfriend left her. I wanted to ask her out at that moment, however I knew she would want time to rest, thus I didn't ask her. I gave her weeks, months. Then finally asked her, her response was very strange! She says she wants to but she can't, that she can't say yes, nevertheless she can't say no. She said she wasn't ready, I understood, but I was very confused. Now, she was dating someone else. At this point, I really wanted to give up, but I didn't. And I already know that she has already knew that I luv her from very long since I started to love her......then why she is not accepting me!what I'm for her a backup 💔😖No! It's not true how can this happen with me... She can't do this with me. This thoughts are killing me from deep inside some where.
I don't understand why she didn't choose me, I try my best to make her smile, happy. I show her I love her. Show her I want to keep her heart safe from others that will break it, therefore that she will never have to go through what may leave scars on what she may need for the right person. I feel like I failed, but I don't let that stop me. No matter what happens, I will always be there for her, to make sure she's okay, to comfort her when I feel she needs.
Who knows, we may get together someday, maybe temporary, maybe forever. If we don't, everything happens, or doesn't happen for a reason, consequently I will always be her friend. I will always be there for her. She may not know this, but she is safe with me. She can fall, but I'll catch her. As long as she chooses to stay with me. She will always have someone to talk to. My friends, my sister Sue, my friend Sofia everyone said me leave her.... Move on" yaaar Kab tak eye rahoge" but I didn't give up I was waiting for Her.....☺️

Every time I got a text message, call, I would rush to check my phone, hoping it's from her, and when it was, I would catch myself smiling. If it weren't her, I wouldn't get sad, nor angry, but disappointed. I love talking to her. Even if she didn't try to make me smile, I'd still smile. I make sure I'm able to text her back instantaneously I want to prove to her I care about her. I want her to feel that she is loved.

She never tried, something tells me she said she can't because she wanted to wait longer, to see if the words I'm saying were true. If I would really would stay with her no matter what happened. If that's the case, I will prove it to her and she must feel very bad. Significant I'm taking in a lot of pain, but knowing it's best for her.

I had dreams about her several, if not many times. One of the dream(s), we actually ended up getting married. I don't always recall my dream(s). When I do, It's most likely something romantic. I guess you could say my big thing is romance.

They're so many things I know about her, but I'm still learning more. She has many problems, but I still say she's amazing, because she is in her own way. She doesn't believe me when I tell her that, and I wonder if it's because of something that happened in the past. Such as, being really attached to somebody, and left her. Which made her feel insecure about herself.

But whenever she feels alone she called me to express her emotions. I was very happy that she was sharing her feelings with me. But why she is sharing with me only, that means I'm something special to her. Then she always text me I luv u and she even says it in call. Then why she is not accepting me?

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