The Broken Words

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And many people blamed me for the downward spiral she was on after that. They thought it was because of what I had done to her that made her hate herself so much but that wasn’t it. Because she had all of those problems when I met her. She had all of her secrets and all of her emotional baggage that she tucked away in a part of her brain she planned on never unpacking.Maybe I wasn’t strong enough. Maybe I wasn’t what she needed. Maybe I needed to let her go because she needed to find herself. It didn’t change the love. The love I was always going to feel for her. The love that even now I still feels in his loneliest hours, wondering if I made a mistake. But I didn’t. I knew that this time I'm nt wrong.... I have to leave her........ I always say everyone I hate her I don't wanna see her face....... 😔but deep inside me somewhere I know I luv her to the fullest. But what she did to me she needs a lesson so that she will not play wid anyone feelings anymore. And that was enough for me to know that even when you love someone, sometimes you do really have to let them go.💔

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