Move On 💔

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But like all fairy tales, slowly, things started to unravel. Not his love for her, no, because that wasn’t going anywhere, but his feelings of being enough. His feelings of being able to be there when she needed him. He saw it in the way she looked at him sometimes that there was something missing. Something he couldn’t ever quite put his finger on. He wondered if he was just holding her back from being who and where she needed to be.And he would be there for her. Always. Because in those moments where she felt weakest, he was there to hold her hand. He was her guiding light in her never ending darkness. Even though he didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t care. All he knew was that he loved her. He loved her despite the fact that she pushed him away. He loved her despite all of the times she would burst out in anger and accuse him of things he never did. He loved her because he knew in his heart he had to love her.It was getting harder. Every day a new issue. Every day something  was going wrong. It's true that I luv her but what she did to me.... 💔that was enough for me to move on from her she lied, cheated...... But never agreed that she did wrong wid me.

But I Love You 💔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora