Doki Doki! 💖💖

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Now, this is serious I guess someone is playing a prank on me

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Now, this is serious I guess someone is playing a prank on me.... 😱😱.

Anyway, let's begin...

Hyejin's pov~~~~~

It has been almost couple of weeks since my first encounter with Jun in the music room. After that day we often meet each other there. We talk for hours and sometimes got so lost in talking that we don't even notice that we almost spend our whole day in the music room. Although we sit beside each other.......

.but I hardly saw he's face........

maybe once or twice......

By luck...........because he always wears a mask and a cap. And believe it or not, without them he would have looked just like Jin. But Jin and Jun are north and south pole when it comes to their personalities.

So he can't be Jin right!?

Well, I'm the one who always laughs most of the time, but sometimes I get glimpses of Jun's gummy smile when he giggles. It sure is a view to watch.

Last day, he told me about the song which I first heard from him that day. It was his own : AWAKE. He loves to compose songs.

Well, to be honest, at first I thought that Jun is a cold hearted person but as I get to know about him more I realised that he's a totally different person .

I was humming to myself as I entered the music room. Jun was already there, sitting on a chair and listening to music on his iPod. He was bobbing his head along with the music as he enjoyed and felt each and every word of the lyrics. He looked up at me as soon he realised that I was there.

" Yo! Jun-ssi! " I said as I waved my hand to greet him.

" Hello. " he replied.

" What are you listening to? " I asked while looking at his iPod screen.

It was Taeyang's EYES, NOSE, LIPS

" It's my favorite one. Play it on the speaker . Now! "I asked more like ordered him and he did as I told him.

I started dancing ( just moving my body) and singing as the song started to play on the speaker.

" It's hurts so much, but now I'll call you a memory~~~~~Hmmmmm "

Suddenly I stumbled on my feet and lost my balance.

Why I'm so clumsy? God save this mess.

I closed my eyes as I felt like I'm going to fall but strangely my body didn't feel anything. Instead of the cold hard floor I felt something wrapped around my waist.


A pair of hands were holding my waist strongly.

I opened my eyes to and glanced at my waist. Those were Jun's hands.

I looked up only to face Jun. Our faces were too close to each other. I could feel the heat raising on my face.

My heart started racing so fast that I could hear my own heartbeat.


We stared at each others eyes for a minute. Soon, I felt like we were getting closer and closer

I closed my eyes again.

Are we going to kiss?!! Him with masked on??

And few seconds later.....

My back hit the floor with a thud.

Ouch,MY BACK!!

" Ouch! " I screamed in pain.

He seriously LET GO OF ME!!!

" hands just got slipped. " he said while looking somewhere else and covering his mouth.

I was cursing in my mind
'Yeah boy I'm a salamander that's why your hands got slipped.'

But to my surprise, his face was

Jun was blushing!

" Here... " Jun stretched out his hand.
I grabbed his hand and got up. But my back was still in pain.

" Are you okay? I'm really sorry. " Jun sincerely apologized.

" I will be fine soon, thanks. " I replied. Hoping what I said would happen.

" U-uhhh f-fine then........I-I n-need t-to see you tomorrow........bye!! " Jun said as he ran off the room.

After the school got over, I was on my way to home while thinking about the whole thing that happened in the music room. Specially that incident.

I couldn't stop blushing.

---------- Time Escape ----------

I finally reached home. I opened the door and went in.
" I'm home. " I shouted as I entered the house.
" Welcome home dear. " mom replied from the kitchen.

"Where's eonni? " I asked.
"She isn't home yet......maybe she's on the know traffic these days......ahhh.........get fresh dinner will be served soon. "

"De (OK)!!! " I replied.

Today eonni was returning from her trip with BTS.

"She sure got close to them.......unlike me. " I sighed as I climbed the stairs to my room. It was my greatest desire to be close to them. And own twin sister is the one who's close to them in my disguise.

Just wonderful....
Isn't it!?

I entered my room and plopped down on my bed.

Soon my mind started thinking about Jun.

He is cold.........but he is kind and gentle too.........whenever I'm with him, I feel a bit different........amd warm....... my heart starts racing fast whenever his around. But why? Why I'm thinking about him?

Don't tell me......that I.....

Suddenly eonni barged into my room snapping me out of my thoughts .

Hyejin- underline
Eunjung- italic



"I have to say something to you.."

"Me too"

"I think I have fallen in love with -"


"Jun!!! "


To be continued ❣️❣️❣️

Here you go folks... Trust me this takes me a night to come up with this chapter so I guess.. U all will love it... If u don't I can't help it.

Besides that, I like to thanks one person that person is __blessthismess__ she always helps me through Grammer problems and I am really grateful full to her... Thank you.

Love u army 💞💞💞

Don't be a silent reader 💢💢🗯️🗯️

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